cameronbracken / pgfSweave

Quality graphics and speedy compilation with Sweave
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S/Rtangle for pgfSweave #22

Closed bhaibeka closed 13 years ago

bhaibeka commented 13 years ago

First of all I would like to thank you for implementing the pgfSweave package, it changed my way of doing research. I was an enthusiastic user of Sweave but the features added in pgfSweave are absolutely necessary in my research field where we analyze huge amount of genomic data.

However there is one single thing that I miss: What is the equivalent of S/Rtangle for pgfSweave? it is extremely useful to be able to extract a file with R code only, for sharing with colleagues and students, especially when they do not use Sweave. I am also sourcing thr R code sometimes for debugging puprose.

The function Stangle in R do not work properly with pgfSweave file but I think it would require a minimal amount of efforts to adapt it (especially the Rtangle driver). What do you think?

I thank you in advance for your precious help.