cameroncros / OctoPrint-DiscordRemote

Discord plugin for OctoPrint
MIT License
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Problem Sending commands from Discord #151

Closed Jonnywayway closed 3 years ago

Jonnywayway commented 3 years ago

Hi I bet you are super busy, but I'm looking for some help getting the discord remote working.

I can get it installed and get messages to the discord page, such as the test page or when I do /status through the octoprint user interface. What i am having problems with is the bot responding to commands in the channel. Any ideas on what is causing this? I have included the logs, I can see that it is getting the message maybe, but is responding with 500.


Jonnywayway commented 3 years ago

I believe I did. I put a * in both the user and commands section

Jonnywayway commented 3 years ago

Did that and it still doesn't work.

Jonnywayway commented 3 years ago

Also you should read the directions cuz it clearly states that you can use the star.

`The access settings allow specific commands to be limited to specific users.

In the commands section, put a comma-separated list of commands. In the users section, put a comma-separated list of user IDs. A '*' in either section can be used to match all commands/users.`

Jonnywayway commented 3 years ago

Lol yeah that's why I made this post

cameroncros commented 3 years ago

@Jonnywayway What is the command you are trying to send?Does your bot have permission to read from your channel?

Also, i dont know how comfortable you are with SSH, but can you get a list of packages in your octoprint virtual environment? I can walk you through it if you need help. I have a feeling there may be a package inconsistency?

Jonnywayway commented 3 years ago

@cameroncros Thanks for the reply,

I'm trying to send /status, and yes I believe the bot has permission to read and write.

I can SSH just fine I think I got the right list.

cameroncros commented 3 years ago

Thats the list of packages in the system, im after the python packages in your octoprint virtual env. Do:

source oprint/bin/activate
pip list

On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 3:56 AM Jonathan Whalen wrote:

@cameroncros Thanks for the reply,

I'm trying to send /status, and yes I believe the bot has permission to read and write.

I can SSH just fine http://url I think I got the right list.

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Jonnywayway commented 3 years ago

` Package Version

argh 0.26.2 awesome-slugify 1.6.5 Babel 2.4.0 backports-abc 0.5 backports.ssl-match-hostname blinker 1.4 cachelib 0.1 certifi 2017.4.17 chainmap 1.0.3 chardet 3.0.4 click 7.1.1 emoji 0.5.4 feedparser 5.2.1 filetype 1.0.6 Flask 0.12.5 Flask-Assets 0.12 Flask-Babel 0.12.2 Flask-Login 0.4.1 Flask-Principal 0.3.5 frozendict 1.2 future 0.18.2 futures 3.3.0 humanfriendly 4.17 idna 2.6 itsdangerous 0.24 Jinja2 2.8.1 Markdown 3.1.1 MarkupSafe 1.0 monotonic 1.3 netaddr 0.7.19 netifaces 0.10.9 Octolapse 0.3.4 OctoPrint 1.4.0 OctoPrint-Autoselect 0.2.0 OctoPrint-DiscordRemote 2.60.0 OctoPrint-Estop 0.1.2 OctoPrint-FileManager 0.1.3 OctoPrint-MultiColors 1.0.16 OctoPrint-Pushbullet 0.1.9 OctoPrint-Stats 1.0.0 pathtools 0.1.2 Pillow 5.0.0 pip 20.2.3 pkginfo Preheat 0.2.0 psutil 5.6.7 0.11.0 pyasn1 0.2.3 pybonjour 1.1.1 pylru 1.2.0 pyserial 3.4 python-dateutil 2.6.1 python-magic 0.4.15 pytz 2017.2 PyYAML 3.10 regex 2017.6.23 requests 2.18.4 rsa 4.0 sarge 0.1.5.post0 scandir 1.10.0 semantic-version 2.8.4 sentry-sdk 0.13.2 setuptools 44.1.1 singledispatch six 1.10.0 sockjs-tornado 1.0.3 speaklater 1.3 STL-Viewer 0.4.1 tornado 4.5.3 TouchUI 0.3.12 typing Unidecode 0.4.20 urllib3 1.22 watchdog 0.9.0 webassets 0.12.1 websocket-client 0.40.0 Werkzeug 0.16.1 wrapt 1.11.2 zipfile2 0.0.12 `

Jonnywayway commented 3 years ago

That was it, old packages, I went through and updated them and it started working.