cameronjones / form-http-extensions

HTML Forms HTTP Extensions
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Submit for reintegration into HTML 5.2 #3

Open lpd-au opened 7 years ago

lpd-au commented 7 years ago

Hi, did you know you're famous on SE?

It's 2017 and we still can't implement a static REST interface for humans. Now HTML is on github, would you consider submitting this for reintegration, as per the outcome of "ISSUE-195"? This specification seems pretty complete and given the decrease in time between new recommendations, I can only assume the WG is less of a bureaucratic nightmare now than compared to 7 years ago. PUT and DELETE forms are long overdue.

cameronjones commented 7 years ago

Totally agree.

Unfortunately the problem is political and not even related to W3C bureaucracy, as bad as that can be.

The specification has been complete for years and was peer reviewed by the working group and marked ready for implementation.

The response from Google and Mozilla is that they refuse to implement.

The response from Microsoft is they will implement if others do first.

There was no response from Apple.

The rules for inclusion into the HTML specification are that there must be at least 2 implementations, so the implementations are required before it will be added to the specification.

There is little justification from the browser vendors as to why they will not implement. The only response i have received as any type of argument for not implementing is that Javascript is now regarded as an essential technology for the web and so static HTML is not needed.

I can find references to the discourse with the browser vendors on the HTML mailing list if you want to read them. I also logged bugs with all the products which have either been closed or ignored.

lpd-au commented 7 years ago

Sure, I'd be interested to see what was said back then. I couldn't find a bug for Edge or Webkit, but the Firefox bug isn't actually closed and the Chromium bug seems like it would be reopened if the spec returned to active maintenance.

If I understand correctly, the Web Platform WG is the successor to the HTML WG? Registering this with them (or alternatively the WHATWG) appears to be a blocker for any browser vendors taking it on. The HTML repo currently has 14 open issues labelled "needs implementations", including three "enhancements", so I think it's fair to assume they'd accept a fifteenth for a complete proposal.