First of all, thanks so much for this awesome plugin.
(Im really sad about the support ending).
This is not realy an issue but I have try to run plax with Turbolinks.
I cant find any explanation of how to do it.
So I found it myself and I want to post the solution here :3
( function() {
var ready = function()
console.log( "🦄 TurboLinks Ready -> " + window.location.href + " width: " + $(window).width());
if( $('.yourPlaxSelector').length )
var cache = function()
console.log( "🦄 TurboLinks CacheLoad" );
// Allow plax function `inViewport` to worck properly.
// Without it Plax will only worck on the first call of `ready`.
$.plax.disable( { "clearLayers": true } );
// Turbolink tracker
var change = function()
console.log( "🦄 TurboLinks Change" );
window['referer'] = window.location.href;
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:before-cache", cache);
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", ready);
document.addEventListener("page:change", change);
} )( jQuery );
Hello, First of all, thanks so much for this awesome plugin. (Im really sad about the support ending).
This is not realy an issue but I have try to run plax with Turbolinks. I cant find any explanation of how to do it. So I found it myself and I want to post the solution here :3