camicroscope / caMicroscope

Digital pathology image viewer with support for human/machine generated annotations and markups.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Improve expand/collapse animation in LayersViewer component #939

Open RichieOrito opened 3 months ago

RichieOrito commented 3 months ago


This pull request enhances the user experience in the LayersViewer component by implementing smooth expand/collapse animations. Previously, the expansion and collapse of layers were instantaneous, which could be jarring to users. With the introduction of a smooth transition, users can now visually track the changes more comfortably


The motivation behind this change was to improve the visual feedback provided to the user when interacting with the LayersViewer component. Smooth transitions help in making the interface feel more responsive and intuitive. This improvement was also prompted by feedback from our user commonuty who expressed a need for a more visually engaging experience when navigating through the layers.


The changes have been tested in a local development environment with various datasets to ensure compatibility and performance. The animations were verified across different browsers(Chrome, Firefox, Safari) to check for consistent behavior. Additionally, the impact on performance was assessed to ensure that the animations do not introduce signification lag or reduce the responsiveness of the application.

Beyond automated testing hooks, manual testing was conducted to simulate real user interactions and gather feedback on the animation timings and visual appeal.


I'm looking to gather feedback on the following aspects:

RichieOrito commented 3 months ago

Hello @birm,

I've submitted a pull request #939 aimed at enhancing the expand/collapse animation within the LayersViewer component. My changes introduce a smoother transition effect. I've followed the contribution guidelines, but I'd appreciate any feedback or suggestions you have, especially regarding implementation details and it's integration with the existing UI.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I'm eager to contribute further and look forward to your valuable input.

Best regard, RichieOrito

RichieOrito commented 3 months ago

Hello @birm,

Thank you for reviewing my pull request and for your feedback. I understand the importance of testing and demonstrating the effectiveness of the modifications I've proposed.

Currently, I'm facing some challenges with testing the layers viewer functionality due to an issue while trying to upload and view slides in my local environment. Here's the error I encountered after the upload process:

errno code syscall hostname statusCode ID preview
-3001 EAI_AGAIN getaddrinfo ca-load 500 1

This error has prevented me from fully testing the feature and capturing a screen recording of its operation. I suspect it might be related to my local setup or a misunderstanding of the testing procedure for these changes.

Could you provide some guidance on how best to proceed with testing? Additionally, if there are specific steps or configurations I should follow to replicate the testing environment accurately, I would greatly appreciate your advice.

Thank you for your patience and support as I work through these issues. I am eager to ensure that my contributions enhance the caMicroscope project effectively.