camicroscope / caMicroscope

Digital pathology image viewer with support for human/machine generated annotations and markups.
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[Accessibility] Slides Page: Inaccessible button symbol and instruction for slide preview #993

Open nwanduka opened 6 days ago

nwanduka commented 6 days ago

Describe the bug To upload a slide, users have to follow a set of instructions. The third step says to "Click on the (arrow symbol) button to get check a preview of the slide". This instruction relies solely on shape and color to understand the content and so fails the sensory characteristics criterion of the WCAG standards. Plus, the arrow symbol cannot be read by a screen reader.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Slides' on the nav bar
  2. Click on 'upload' button

Expected behavior Replace the arrow symbol with a descriptive text label that conveys the action. For example, instead of relying on just the arrow symbol, use "Preview Slide" or "Check Slide Preview" as the label.

Screenshots image
