camjm / akrocorinth

Static 11ty App
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Netlify + Jam Stack #5

Open camjm opened 1 month ago

camjm commented 1 month ago

11ty: static site generator (SSG) (like Hugo and Jekyll) jamstack ecosystem

11ty is a javascipt alternative to Jekyll (which is built with Ruby), built for speed and flexibility Zero config by default can build faster thant Hekyll 11ty: content is decouopled as much as possible from the SSG itself

Templating engines/languages supported: HTML MD, JS liquid Nunjucks handlebars mustache ejs pug

11ty is installed via npm Jekyll requies ruby to be installed



camjm commented 1 month ago

I have an obsession with static site generators. They help turn simple markdown files into a lean, mean, super-fast website. They're rendered at compile-time, so there's no server-side activity to slow things down. And because all the browser ever sees is static files, there's much less chance of your site being hacked.

camjm commented 1 month ago