camlspotter / HybridLearner

HybridLearner: A tool to learn Hybrid Systems for Cyber Physical Systems
GNU General Public License v3.0
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./ fails with a MATLAB exception #7

Open camlspotter opened 1 month ago

camlspotter commented 1 month ago
$ ./ 
results folder already exists!
Error setting property 'Method' of class 'DataType':
There is no enumerated value named 'Inherit'.

Error in getModel_oscillator_640 (line 113)
x0_out.Props.Type.Method = 'Inherit'; 

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'matlab::execution::MATLABExecutionException'
  what():  Error setting property 'Method' of class 'DataType':
There is no enumerated value named 'Inherit'.
./ line 19: 2530355 Aborted                 (core dumped) ./HybridLearner --simulink-model-file ../src/test_cases/engine/learn_ha_loop/oscillator.slx --engine learn-ha-loop --variable-category 'x:output, y:output' --output-file oscillator_64.txt --simu-init-size 64 --initial-value 'x>=0.01 & x<=0.09 & y>=0.01 & y<=0.09' --time-horizon 10 --sampling-time 0.01 --modes 4 --degree 1 --boundary-degree 1 --segment-relative-error 0.1 --segment-relative-fine-error 0.01 --precision-equivalence 100.0 --max-traces 3 --max-stoptime 20 --invariant 2 --cluster-algo dtw --correlation-threshold 0.89 --distance-threshold 1.0 --max-generate-trace-size 1024 --ode-speedup 50 --filter-last-segment 1 --solver-type fixed --ode-solver FixedStepAuto > ../results/outputOsci_withoutType.txt
camlspotter commented 1 month ago

It's a MATLAB error. Retrying with MATLAB 2021a. ( I use 2022b for now)

camlspotter commented 1 month ago

The issue is now gone in MATLAB 2021a.

This must be documented.