campa-consortium / lattice-standard

An effort to create a standard to promote lattice information exchange for particle accelerators.
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Types of elements defined by the Standard. #2

Open DavidSagan opened 2 days ago

DavidSagan commented 2 days ago

Below is a tentative list of what elements should be defined in the Standard. This list is not exhaustive (this is just the beginning and I expect that there are more elements added). Also I am not sure whether it is better to have both Multipole (which has zero length) and ThickMultipole (which has non-zero length) or just have a Multipole element that can have zero or finite length. Similarly, Collimator and Mask could be combined into one element. Any thoughts on all this is appreciated.

ACKicker            "Time varying kicker."
BeamBeam            "Colliding beam element."
BeginningEle        "Initial element at start of a branch."
Bend                "Dipole bend."
Collimator          "Collimation element."
Converter           "Target to produce new species. EG: Positron converter."
CrabCavity          "RF crab cavity." 
Drift               "Field free region."
EGun                "Electron gun."
Fiducial            "Global coordinate system fiducial point."
FloorShift          "Global coordinates shift."
Foil                "Strips electrons from an atom."
Fork                "Connect lattice branches together."
Girder              "Support element."
Instrument          "Measurement element."
Kicker              "Particle kicker element."
LCavity             "Linac accelerating RF cavity."
Marker              "Zero length element to mark a particular position."
Mask                "Zero length collimator."
Match               "Orbit, Twiss, and dispersion matching element."
Multipole           "Zero length multipole."
NullEle             "Placeholder element used for bookkeeping."
Octupole            "Octupole element."
Patch               "Reference orbit shift."
Quadrupole          "Quadrupole element."
RFCavity            "RF cavity element."
Sextupole           "Sextupole element."
Solenoid            "Solenoid."
Taylor              "General Taylor map element."
ThickMultipole      "Multipole with non-zero length."
Undulator           "Undulator."
UnionEle            "Container element for overlapping elements." 
Wiggler             "Wiggler."
DavidSagan commented 1 day ago

And some more elements to add to the list:

Crystal                     "X-ray Diffraction crystal"
Mirror                      "X-ray mirror"
MultiLayerMirror    "Mirror made up of multiple layers."