camptocamp / puppet-tomcat

Tomcat puppet module
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catalina.out logrotate error #131

Open hannahjherself opened 9 years ago

hannahjherself commented 9 years ago

On Debian Wheezy, when I set up a Tomcat instance like so:

class { "::tomcat": version => '7' }

tomcat::instance { 'foo': ensure => 'present', server_port => $tomcat_server_port, http_port => $tomcat_http_port, ajp_port => $tomcat_ajp_port }

The module creates /etc/logrotate.d/catalina-foo containing:

/srv/tomcat/foo/logs/catalina.out { copytruncate size 500M dateext rotate 53 compress delaycompress missingok create 644 tomcat tomcat-admin }

This generates an error from logrotate:

/etc/cron.daily/logrotate: error: catalina-foo:10 unknown group 'tomcat-admin' error: found error in /srv/tomcat/foo/logs/catalina.out , skipping error: skipping "/srv/tomcat/foo/logs/catalina.out" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.

When I create the tomcat-admin group manually and add the following to the instance declaration in the manifest:

group => 'tomcat-admin',

The group ownership of the instance directories updates but when I run logrotate the same permissions error occurs:

error: skipping "/srv/tomcat/foo/logs/catalina.out" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.

I can resolve this by specifying the logs_mode in the instance declaration:

logs_mode => '2750',

A quick fix would be to remove the group-write from the default mode of the file resource that creates the log/ directory.

More comprehensively, it would be good to update the 'create' line the logrotate.catalina.erb template to include the group parameter:

  create 644 tomcat <%= @group =>

But I imagine you must have some reason for marking the logrotate file explicitly as 'unmanaged'?

mcanevet commented 9 years ago

@dmcnicks could you provide a PR for that?