campus-experts / spring-2017

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Joe out of office, 1st May, 4th-9th May #43

Closed joenash closed 7 years ago

joenash commented 7 years ago

Hey folks!

Just wanted to give you a heads up that I'll be offline a couple times over the next couple weeks due to some travel.

There will be no office hours Thursday 4th and Tuesday 9th, as I'll be in China. Whilst in China I'll be offline most the time.

The guest talks next week are the 5pm UK/9am PST Tuesday slot, and 5pm UK/9am PST Wednesday slot. The Wednesday one is super important, demystifying public speaking by Lara Hogan. Please be there if you can. The Tuesday slot is our tech talk, on service workers from Phil Nash of Twilio.

I know some folks were looking forward to a later Thursday slot, unfortunately we won't be able to start that next week. The Tuesday 2nd late slot will be available for office hours.

Let me know if you have any qs and concerns!