campus-experts / spring-2017

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Wrote a README #47

Open elliotblackburn opened 7 years ago

elliotblackburn commented 7 years ago

So I've been working on my honours project at uni pretty much full time. The project will eventually be open sourced once I've gone through the submission and grading process, but for now I've been asked to keep the repo private (booooo).

The initial README was pretty much a table of contents for me to navigate around my documentation and project management quickly but i've now re-written it to be more ready for a public release.

Due to it being private, I'm just going to provide a screenshot (as it has images). If you open it in a new tab it should be fairly easy to see, even a smaller monitor. I've taken some screenshots, spent a few hours building a heroku deployment button for users to demo the app quickly, and moved all the API documentation to a github pages site. Because Pages sites are always public, here's the link to that!

The docs are still a work in progress and some bits are out of date and are missing a lot of the routes, but you should get the gist of them. I went for the Aviator template by CloudCannon as it handles everything I need such as code samples, pretty response formatting, and some nice navigation. I pretty much just copy and pasted my wiki into the template so there's quite a lot of text in some places.

joenash commented 7 years ago

This project looks neat! And that's a pretty readme.

Minor grammatical nitpick in first line "Scaffold is an open source, chain of developer tools" you can remove the comma.

alyssais commented 7 years ago

This project looks super useful — brilliant idea.

The README looks great — this (very minor) comment I left on another README might be useful here too:

elliotblackburn commented 7 years ago

@joenash thanks, can't wait to get it all graded and turn it back into a fun project again! Cheers for the grammar check, I'll fix that up before I hand it in.

@alyssais Good idea, I tend to only do that for multi-line code but since it's a fairly major part it might be good to span the entire thing and makes it easier to maintain if more commands are added.