camsas / firmament

The Firmament cluster scheduling platform
Apache License 2.0
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How can I submit tasks and nodes to Firmament? #70

Open netgenius18 opened 5 years ago

netgenius18 commented 5 years ago

I have some questions when running firmament? Could you help me?

docker run camsas/firmament:dev /firmament/build/src/coordinator --scheduler flow --flow_scheduling_cost_model 6 --listen_uri tcp:<host>:<port> --task_lib_dir=$(pwd)/build/src


ms705 commented 5 years ago
  1. --task_lib_dir is needed if you want to run tasks using Firmament's native cluster execution (in which we inject a dynamically linked library into the task binary). The parameter specifies the directory in which the compile .so file for this library resides (and hence it's in the build tree).

  2. If you're using Firmament's native cluster execution, you can use the Python script in scripts/job/ to submit a job with one or more tasks. You can also write your own script, as long as it sends the correct serialized protobufs.

Finally, it might be easiest to use Firmament via its Kubernetes integration in Poseidon. There, you can simply use well-established Kubernetes APIs to submit jobs.