camspiers / snap

A fast finder system for neovim.
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Implement display function to allow custom result rendering #47

Open wbthomason opened 3 years ago

wbthomason commented 3 years ago

Adds special handling for the display meta-field, which is an optional function returning a string from a MetaResult, and which is used to render a result for display in the selection window.

This PR is WIP. It mostly works, e.g. with the snippet:

local snap = require('snap')
local icons = require('nvim-web-devicons')
require('nvim-web-devicons').setup({default = true})

local fnamemodify = vim.fn.fnamemodify
local get_icon = icons.get_icon
local function add_icon(meta_result)
  local filename = fnamemodify(meta_result.result, ':t:r')
  local extension = fnamemodify(meta_result.result, ':e')
  local icon = get_icon(filename, extension)
  return icon .. ' ' .. meta_result.result

local function icons_consumer(producer)
  return function(request)
    for results in snap.consume(producer, request) do
      if type(results) == 'table' then
        if not vim.tbl_islist(results) then coroutine.yield(results) end
          return snap.with_meta(result, 'display', add_icon)
        end, results))
end'n', '<Leader>s', snap.create(function()
  return {
    prompt = 'Files',
    producer = icons_consumer(snap.get('consumer.fzy')(snap.get('producer.git.file'))),
    select = snap.get('select.file').select,
    multiselect = snap.get('select.file').multiselect,
    views = {snap.get('preview.file')}


@camspiers: if you have a chance to take a look at this, I'd appreciate guidance on how the fzy producer works to fix the second and third items above. If you have any suggestions for why the first item may be happening, that'd be great too, but I haven't dug into that issue yet.

Closes #46.

beauwilliams commented 3 years ago

@wbthomason I noticed same thing too (issue #1 in your above list) when adding a commit to this PR 564a9b7741aeeee43323e3ab2d0142d8b592b6b0

Might need to check for nil in there somewhere? perhaps

local icon = get_icon(filename, extension)
  if icon ~= nil 
     return icon .. ' ' .. meta_result.result
     return meta_result.result
camspiers commented 3 years ago

Fantastic, I can iterate on the issues you pointed out, or point you in the right direction when I get some time. I just landed and so will be soon be ready for some fresh features to land.

wbthomason commented 3 years ago

I've fixed most of the issues with this PR, and have an updated, mostly working icon consumer example:

local snap = require 'snap'
local icons = require 'nvim-web-devicons'
require('nvim-web-devicons').setup { default = true }

local fnamemodify = vim.fn.fnamemodify
local get_icon = icons.get_icon
local function add_icon(meta_result)
  local filename = fnamemodify(meta_result.result, ':t:r')
  local extension = fnamemodify(meta_result.result, ':e')
  local icon = get_icon(filename, extension)
  return icon .. ' ' .. meta_result.result

local function icons_consumer(producer)
  return function(request)
    for results in snap.consume(producer, request) do
      if type(results) == 'table' then
        if not vim.tbl_islist(results) then
            return snap.with_meta(result, 'display', add_icon)
          end, results))
    return {
      prompt = 'Files',
      producer = icons_consumer(snap.get 'consumer.fzy'(snap.get 'producer.git.file')),
      select = snap.get('select.file').select,
      multiselect = snap.get('select.file').multiselect,
      views = { snap.get 'preview.file' },

We could be more efficient by applying the consumer to the initial producer, since fzy uses the cache consumer. However, this requires a bit of fiddling to ensure that fzy.filter only gets passed strings, given that icons_consumer returns meta-results. Doable (I implemented it), but not clearly worth the added complexity since the current more naive approach is fast enough.

@camspiers, any chance you have time to take a look at the highlighting issue at some point? That's the last blocking problem for this PR - I know now where the highlight positions are calculated, but I'm not sure where the best place to update them for the displayed string is (I also don't know where the highlights get applied).

camspiers commented 3 years ago

I think will have some time tonight or tomorrow night to have a look, thanks so much for sticking with this, and apologies for not getting back to it as soon as I hoped.

wbthomason commented 3 years ago

Not a problem! I absolutely understand not getting to open source things as quickly as one hopes to... (see: this PR, several PRs and issues on the packer repo, etc.)

wbthomason commented 3 years ago

@camspiers I might have some time to work on the last remaining issue for this PR (highlight offsets) in the next few days - any chance you could point me toward what I need to modify to shift the start/end of the match highlight ranges?

wbthomason commented 3 years ago

Actually, nevermind - I figured it out! Here's the final icons consumer:

local snap = require 'snap'
local icons = require 'nvim-web-devicons'
require('nvim-web-devicons').setup { default = true }

local fnamemodify = vim.fn.fnamemodify
local get_icon = icons.get_icon
local function add_icon(meta_result)
  local filename = fnamemodify(meta_result.result, ':t:r')
  local extension = fnamemodify(meta_result.result, ':e')
  local icon = get_icon(filename, extension)
  return icon .. ' ' .. meta_result.result

local function icons_consumer(producer)
  return function(request)
    for results in snap.consume(producer, request) do
      if type(results) == 'table' then
        if not vim.tbl_islist(results) then
            return snap.with_metas(result, { display = add_icon, highlight_offset = 4 })
          end, results))

I think this PR is ready except for (1) docs and (2) deciding if we want to ship the icons consumer by default or just provide it as an example.

wbthomason commented 3 years ago

Hmm, one thing I just found: if this icons consumer is applied to something with a lot of results (e.g. 10000 rg results), we get an OOM error. So it might be worth looking into a way to write the consumer that doesn't need to allocate quite so much.

wbthomason commented 3 years ago

@camspiers Note that, despite that last comment, I think this PR is good to review (as you have time).