camspiers / snap

A fast finder system for neovim.
The Unlicense
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Quickly scroll through previous search with CtrlP - CtrlN #59

Open sandangel opened 3 years ago

sandangel commented 3 years ago

Hi I miss 1 good feature from fzf.vim that remember previous search then you can go through the search history with CtrlP and CtrlN. is that possible with Snap?

camspiers commented 3 years ago

That isn't supported. But it does sounds like an interesting idea.

sodiumjoe commented 3 years ago

I also miss this from denite, though it was only a single previous search. I often used a workflow that of for example, grepping for a string, then selecting one to open the location, doing something to that file, then resuming the list (it would also remember selection position), to operate on the next result.