camspiers / snap

A fast finder system for neovim.
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unclear readme #78

Closed ckoehler closed 3 years ago

ckoehler commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I am having a hard time understanding how snap.config.file works, opposed to I see the examples, and they make sense. It seems like snap.config.file returns a function that calls But if I use snap.config.file, how do I specify select, multiselect, view, etc?

Concretely, I understand this (from the readme): {
  producer = snap.get'consumer.fzy'(snap.get'producer.ripgrep.file'),
  select = snap.get'select.file'.select,
  multiselect = snap.get'select.file'.multiselect,
  views = {snap.get'preview.file'}

How would I configure ripgrep above to also search hidden, etc, as in this file example?

file {producer = "ripgrep.file", args = {'--hidden', '--iglob', '!.git/*'}}

I.e., how do I combine the two and put them into snap.maps ?

ckoehler commented 3 years ago

Duh, I think file only handles searches for files. And there are some predefined options, so that all works. If I want grep or something, sounds like I need to do it custom.

tex commented 4 months ago

I have the same issue with documentation. is understandable, but it executes immediately. How to map it?

tex commented 4 months ago

Ah, answer is there:{"n"}, {"<Leader>f"}, function () {
    producer = snap.get'consumer.fzf'(snap.get'producer.ripgrep.file'),
    select = snap.get'select.file'.select,
    multiselect = snap.get'select.file'.multiselect,
    views = {snap.get'preview.file'}

It would be nice if this was in the Review.

tex commented 4 months ago

It is in the Readme, but just as a text, and I missed it. Example would be still nice.