camspiers / snap

A fast finder system for neovim.
The Unlicense
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Missing results with permission denied #82

Open mactep opened 3 years ago

mactep commented 3 years ago

There seems to be a bug (or a feature) regarding the results in a directory where ripgrep doesn't have permission to search. In my case I had a folder that did not belong to me inside my project and when I tried to search the files, it showed few results, varying the number of results shown. After running rg --files inside that directory, the results shown in snap where the ones found before running into a Permission denied message. There were some results after that message, but they didn't shown as well.

Adding --no-messages as argument shows the results as expected, but shows those files without permissions, which results in an error while selecting that entry: Error executing luv callback: EACCES: permission denied:

My workaround to this moment was just changing the ownership of those files to me, but I think this deserves a better solution.