camunda-community-hub / bpmn-driven-testing

Visually select paths through a BPMN process as test cases. Generate and enrich those test cases for easier unit testing of your process implementations.
Apache License 2.0
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Build fails when trying to upload SNAPSHOTS to #185

Closed gclaussn closed 14 hours ago

gclaussn commented 1 week ago

When merging a pull request into Master, the SNAPSHOT build fails with following error 401 Content access is protected by token. :warning: there error occurred with the last commit, which did no changes to the build at all - beside adding one test dependency.

Here the complete Maven error:

Error:  Failed to execute goal org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.13:deploy (deploy-to-maven-central) on project bpmn-driven-testing-8-maven-plugin:
Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact from/to central ( authentication failed for, status: 401 Content access is protected by token -> [Help 1]

Action run:

gclaussn commented 2 days ago

@camunda-community-hub/devrel is this a general problem or related to this repository?

xomiamoore commented 2 days ago

Hey @gclaussn, thanks for the tag -- looks like our infrastructure team is in the process of fixing this. Maven Central is moving to tokens and the username/password authentication we were previously using are now deprecated, and they are working on that update now. It should be complete in the next few days.

xomiamoore commented 1 day ago

Hey there! The GitHub Action is now up-to-date with the new credentials, so please try again with the new version and let me know if you run into any other problems!

gclaussn commented 14 hours ago

see #186