camunda-community-hub / community-action-maven-release

Opinionated GitHub action to release community projects to Maven Central
Apache License 2.0
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Simplify the build command for release publishing #21

Closed zambrovski closed 2 years ago

zambrovski commented 2 years ago

Hi folks,


I'm struggling with the release of the extension and had to double check the action used for Maven release. In this issue I would like to address the build command used to publish the artifact into repository (see

Before analyzing this - I do use the community-hub-release-parent:1.0.0 which is a perfect place to simplify the build command drastically. The latter has its parent camunda-release-parent:3.7 (All questions on that in a separate issue).

Assuming there are no options and ${RELEASE_PROFILE} is specifying the value-Pcommunity-action-maven-releaseandrelease-versionset to1.2.3`

What I understood


First issue here is that the phases are called multiple times, the only relevant here is the deploy phase, since it is the last one inside the default lifecycle (see for more information)

The second issue is that the combination of phases with plugins (having already defined executions) leads to multiple invocations of plugins. Here is an example from my log file:

[INFO] Uploading to central:
[INFO] Uploaded to central: (488 B at 22 kB/s)

The file camunda-bpm-process-test-coverage-examples-junit4-1.0.0-sources.jar.asc.asc is a result of duplicate signing.

The second problem with it is that you are overwriting results produced in a certain phase by direct invocation of the plugin. For example, if using Kotlin, JavaDoc is generated by the dokka plugin and not by the javadoc plugin. As a result, the explicit invocation of javadoc plugin lead to ignoring of dokka output and missing docs.. The same applies to sources (which are attached by the pom, but ignored by the invocation).


The simplified version of this call could look like this:

mvn -B ${{ inputs.maven-additional-options }} ${RELEASE_PROFILE} ${{ inputs.maven-release-options }} deploy 

The only addition you then need in the community-hub-release-parent is to add the following plugins to the community-action-maven-release and add some properties:

                            <!-- Prevent gpg from using pinentry programs -->

The advantage of the lifecycle phase / profile approach is that it is extensible and don't make any assumptions about the project internals. So if I need to do an additional step on deployment I can hang its execution on the deploy phase (globally) or put it inside the specified profile.

I would be happy to help you with this...



berndruecker commented 2 years ago

fixed by