camunda-community-hub / community-action-maven-release

Opinionated GitHub action to release community projects to Maven Central
Apache License 2.0
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enhancement(ci): Close repositories after staging by default #33

Closed celanthe closed 1 year ago

celanthe commented 2 years ago

Steps to reproduce the issue/bug

Perform a release using the Community Action Maven Release tool Staging repositories are still open after the release is finished

What's the expected result of implementing this feature?

By implementing this feature, repositories will be closed automatically after staging by default

Estimated timeline:

1-2 weeks


  1. Scope implementing the tool into the existing Community Action workflow.
  2. Open PR with the above changes added
  3. Test and confirm that the new feature is working as intended
  4. Merge PR
  5. Cut new release introducing this feature into the Community Action Maven Release
berndruecker commented 2 years ago

As far as I remember, @zambrovski had some comment about it - but I don't recall what exactly :-/

zambrovski commented 2 years ago

We had a nice meeting before the new day...

I do close it automatically, but this is you choice. Personally, I don't see any reason not to close, if you are not able to judge yourself about the correctness of the Repo and relies on opinion of the requester anyways

berndruecker commented 2 years ago

@zambrovski I think we should auto-close it. I also don't see any reason against it (but some confusion it caused already). Do you know how we can easily set this to auto-close the repo?

A hint would be great - but of course I also take PR's :-)

zambrovski commented 1 year ago

Will continue to do it here, as we obviously need as described in

zambrovski commented 1 year ago

Implemented. Please check...

zambrovski commented 1 year ago

@berndruecker : I created an example project which should serve as an example using the entire CI/CD infrastructure (Maven parent + GH actions). It is then creates a small artifact doing nothing, but we can use it to make sure the CI/CD setup works for the other 200 repositories of HUB.

So I suggest, we really produce artifacts there to really be sure it works as designed.

It is located here: