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Can't publish process-execution-automator #56

Open pierre-yves-monnet opened 1 year ago

pierre-yves-monnet commented 1 year ago


I update the repository according the last documentation, but the workflow failed during the publication

Here is the action:

It failed here

#7 [2/4] COPY target/process-execution-automator-*-exec.jar /app.jar
#7 ERROR: lstat /var/lib/docker/tmp/buildkit-mount359220097/target: no such file or directory
 > [2/4] COPY target/process-execution-automator-*-exec.jar /app.jar:
   2 |     FROM openjdk:17-alpine
   3 |     EXPOSE 9081
   4 | >>> COPY target/process-execution-automator-*-exec.jar /app.jar
   5 |     COPY src/main/resources /app/scenarii
   6 |     COPY src/test/resources /app/scenarii
ERROR: failed to solve: lstat /var/lib/docker/tmp/buildkit-mount359220097/target: no such file or directory
Error: buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: lstat /var/lib/docker/tmp/buildkit-mount359220097/target: no such file or directory

The file process-execution-automator-1.2.0-exec.jar is correctly generated on my PC via a mvn install

What's going on?


jonathanlukas commented 5 months ago

Hi @pierre-yves-monnet , is this issue still present?