camunda / camunda-bpmn.js

camunda BPMN 2.0 Javascript libraries
135 stars 47 forks source link

Official release #9

Open cduicu opened 10 years ago

cduicu commented 10 years ago

When will there be an office release of this library?

meyerdan commented 10 years ago

Hi @cduicu,

This repository is part of the larger camunda BPM platform project and part of joint releases we perform in camnda BPM. We could tag the version of camunda-bpmn.js we released together with camunda BPM 7.1.0-Final. This would be commit e23b9ae4bfc502524bca2a7daedcb769460d6a66. Would that help you?

BTW: In the middle term this project will replaced by So if you start a new project based on camunda-bpmn.js it might be a better choice to use since we are now focusing our development efforts there.

Thanks for your feedback! Daniel

cduicu commented 10 years ago

Daniel, thank you for your reply.

Yes, creating a release for the version matching BPM 7.1.0 would be great.The reason I am looking for a release is that I would like to have it published as a WebJar (

I did not know about It is great to see renewed focus on web-based BPMN diagrams. I will try it out.Can you please provide more information:

thanks, Cristian

nikku commented 10 years ago

Hi @cduicu, has currently no version matching camunda BPM 7.1.0 Final.

It is a viewer right now (as of version 0.0.2) but will gradually extended with modeling features. Checkout the release announcement which links to our roadmap, too.

Do not expect a full fledged modeler in the near future, instead track bpmn-io/bpmn-js for our progress.

Regards, Nico