camunda / camunda-docs

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Explore Mermaid for docs diagrams #1189

Open akeller opened 1 year ago

akeller commented 1 year ago

Our docs diagrams are images from various powerpoints and themes/colors associated with Zeebe, Camunda Cloud, and Camunda Platform 8 branding. There are also concerns about these diagrams not being accessible and in most cases, don't include a high-quality text description.

Instead of UML, @Sijoma suggested Mermaid. While separate from Kubernetes, it's the identified way to make diagrams in the Kubernetes style guide.

There are a few issues and requests for Docusaurus to include Mermaid, particularly after GitHub now supports it. For now, we can use this -

Additionally, there is a Discourse plugin for Mermaid. Theoretically, this would allow our contributor and developer community ecosystem to standardize on Mermaid for diagrams.

akeller commented 1 year ago

@pepopowitz thoughts on Mermaid?

pepopowitz commented 1 year ago

I think it's neat! We played with it a bit at my previous job, but nothing very deep. I love the idea of diagrams-as-code, though.

The biggest concern I have is if Mermaid fully covers the diagrams we have. I can't tell very easily from their docs if we can/how to extend it if we find that there are shapes/concepts it can't draw that we need to render, say, a BPMN diagram.

But also, would that be a blocking issue? If we can cover 80% of our diagrams with Mermaid but 20% of them can't be drawn, do we leave the 20% as images and consider it a win until we can find/build a way to convert them?

akeller commented 1 year ago

Ignore BPMN diagrams. I'm thinking anything non-BPMN we should standardize with something like Mermaid.

akeller commented 1 year ago

I'm thinking more about the architecture diagrams like the one here or the variety here.

pepopowitz commented 1 year ago

Happy to ignore. It'd be a nice experiment to try to re-draw a few of them with Mermaid at

(Unimportant SEO note: that's not the first result in my search for "mermaid playground". This is.

akeller commented 11 months ago

Keeping in line with scoping things small and iteratively, the definition of done for this issue should be:

pepopowitz commented 3 months ago

Keeping in line with scoping things small and iteratively, the definition of done for this issue should be:

  • Plugin is enabled
  • One example is provided in the docs
  • Docs-on-docs info is available in the repo for further use

1 & 2 will be done in!

When/if that's merged, all that will remain on this issue is docs-on-docs.