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Document the IDP options available to users in Identity #3470

Open Ben-Sheppard opened 3 months ago

Ben-Sheppard commented 3 months ago


When I configure my Identity component there are a couple of paths I can take:

The decision made here is important for later operational reasons, and includes some feature disparity at the moment until further iterations reintroduce feature support.

The possible paths available to me should be visible early in my journey through configuration and deployment of the C8 stack.

Ben-Sheppard commented 3 months ago

@akeller - following on from our discussion yesterday I've raised this issue here, its potentially a little light on details but the essence of the issue I think is apparent.

Could you let me know what additional information would be good from your perspective to make this issue something that could be picked up by the docs team? Thank you!

akeller commented 3 months ago

@Ben-Sheppard this completely fell off my radar... oops!

Good news, we plan to hire a tech writer for the Self-Managed area, which includes Identity. This is in our backlog and I'll review it (and other issues) closer to the start date.

akeller commented 1 month ago

@conceptualshark, this is a good one for you to look at.

@Ben-Sheppard, @conceptualshark is brand new! So, I'm looking at our backlog to determine good projects and tasks during those very early onboarding days.

My initial goal here would be to understand the priority. Do we have internal data on when people are using these IDP options? I could see an internal doc where we capture things like feature disparity, support ticket topics, etc. Since it's been a few weeks, maybe @Ben-Sheppard, you also have more thoughts on scoping this topic.

Also, I see potential touchpoints with the consulting team since they do a lot of work with Self-Managed (and, I assume, Identity). If that's the case and we need to pull them in, we should move this topic to the doc-hospital (private repo, but might be easier to help with scoping across teams).