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Activation Condition of Kafka Consumer Connector unclear for intermediate events #3891

Open falko opened 3 weeks ago

falko commented 3 weeks ago

The description of the Activation Condition of Kafka Consumer Connector only talks about starting process instances but leaves it unclear how it behaves for intermediate events:

  1. Do Intermediate Events always trigger on each message or can the Activation Condition be used to filter messages there as well?
  2. Why does the last sentence talk about Webhooks? Is that an (unnecessary) implementation detail or a copy & paste mistake? I found the same sentence in at least 4 connectors using the docs search.
mikebrandl commented 3 weeks ago Resolves this @falko I believe.

akeller commented 3 weeks ago

FYI @sbuettner, can we get someone on the Connectors team to look at this issue and the corresponding PR?

sbuettner commented 3 weeks ago

Sure, approved.