If you have questions on privacy/data policy specifics within the product, although we have an extensive privacy page/legal portal, you cannot find this information within the docs.
Would it make sense to add a page about privacy/security/compliance that links to these other resources?
Suggestion is to add a single page at the bottom of the reference section that contains headings and links to this information but minimal content (to avoid duplication) so that searching will at least allow users to access these links within the docs, rather than being faced with no results at all.
Feedback from customers:
Would it make sense to add a page about privacy/security/compliance that links to these other resources?
Suggestion is to add a single page at the bottom of the reference section that contains headings and links to this information but minimal content (to avoid duplication) so that searching will at least allow users to access these links within the docs, rather than being faced with no results at all.