camunda / camunda-modeler-plugins

Plugins for the Camunda Modeler.
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Please add an example to integrate a custom properties provider #65

Closed Ichigo85 closed 2 years ago

Ichigo85 commented 2 years ago

Hi! I am working on my plugins, compatible to Camunda Modeler 4.x, to make them working on Camunda Modeler 5.x. I found really helpful the autosave plugin and the bpmn-js properties-panel-extension example to start, but they use two different aliases for react in their webpack configuration. Now, if I use the 'camunda-modeler-plugin-helpers/react' alias, the plugin works without errors but the "useService" function does not work. If I change the alias to preact-compat, I have this error Invariant Violation: Minified React error #284;

I think that a new camunda modeler plugin example to integrate a custom properties panel would be really helpful to understand the potential of your new major update. Also, some help would really be appreciated 😉 Thank you!

pinussilvestrus commented 2 years ago

Hi! There is already a plugin that extends the properties panel:

Would this already help as a starter?

Ichigo85 commented 2 years ago

Hi @pinussilvestrus ! Yes, that could probably help! I will try to adapt my plugin to that properties panel, let's see if that's the key :)

Ichigo85 commented 2 years ago

Hello @pinussilvestrus! Using your plugin as a starter, I could fix mine! Thank you!