camunda / camunda-modeler-token-simulation-plugin

Token simulation as a plugin for the Camunda Modeler
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Disabling token simulation doesn't work in Camunda Desktop Modeler v5.12.0 #64

Closed hkupitz closed 1 year ago

hkupitz commented 1 year ago

Describe the Bug

Disabling the token simulation mode in the current version of the Camunda Desktop Modeler doesn't work properly, producing the following error:

[diagram_1.bpmn] A DOM element reference is required
    at new (webpack://camunda-modeler-token-simulation-plugin/node_modules/min-dom/dist/index.esm.js:75:0)
    at classes (webpack://camunda-modeler-token-simulation-plugin/node_modules/min-dom/dist/index.esm.js:63:0)
    at file:///D:/Camunda%20Modeler/camunda-modeler-5.12.0/plugins/camunda-modeler-token-simulation-plugin-master/client/client.bundle.js:46:55
    at file:///D:/Camunda%20Modeler/camunda-modeler-5.12.0/resources/app.asar/public/656.js:2:27386
    at listener (webpack://camundanode_modules/diagram-js/lib/core/EventBus.js:423:33)
    at _invokeListener (webpack://camundanode_modules/diagram-js/lib/core/EventBus.js:397:23)
    at _invokeListeners (webpack://camundanode_modules/diagram-js/lib/core/EventBus.js:345:23)
    at ToggleMode.toggleMode (webpack://camunda-modeler-token-simulation-plugin/node_modules/bpmn-js-token-simulation/lib/features/toggle-mode/modeler/ToggleMode.js:84:0)
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (webpack://camunda-modeler-token-simulation-plugin/node_modules/bpmn-js-token-simulation/lib/features/toggle-mode/modeler/ToggleMode.js:55:0) [ error ]

The token simulation mode subsequently remains enabled and functional but can only be exited by closing the BPMN diagram.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install a vanilla copy of the Camunda Desktop Modeler v5.12.0
  2. Install the Token Simulation Plugin
  3. Create a new BPMN diagram
  4. Click on the "Token Simulation" toggle button or press T to enable the token simulation mode
  5. Click on the "Token Simulation" toggle button or press T to disable the token simulation mode

Expected Behavior

Toggling the token simulation mode should work without any issue.


hkupitz commented 1 year ago

Wasn't sure where to post this. If you think this is a regression bug with the latest Desktop Modeler version, feel free to move the issue there.

hkupitz commented 1 year ago

Duplicate issue and fixed already: