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chore(deps): update dependency gomplate to v4 - autoclosed #2030

Closed renovate[bot] closed 9 hours ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 week ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Update Change
gomplate major v3.11.8 -> 4.0.1

Release Notes

hairyhenderson/gomplate (gomplate) ### [`v4.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **test:** Fix strings.Repeat test that failed in the wrong way on 32bit ([#​2129]( ([6290186]( ##### Documentation - **chore:** Uncomment 'released' tags for functions in v4.0.0 ([#​2125]( ([e3b86e8]( ##### Dependencies - **go:** Bump from 0.9.1 to 0.9.2 ([#​2142]( ([720960e]( - **go:** Bump from 1.54.2 to 1.54.6 ([699a2ed]( - **go:** Bump from 1.54.6 to 1.54.8 ([#​2139]( ([a3475c0]( - **go:** Bump from 1.54.8 to 1.54.9 ([#​2143]( ([715f2c2]( - **go:** Bump from 1.54.9 to 1.54.10 ([#​2145]( ([227b65d]( - **go:** bump ([#​2127]( ([e6c032b]( - **go:** Bump from 0.2.2 to 0.2.3 ([#​2131]( ([4805247]( - **go:** Bump from 0.2.3 to 0.2.4 ([#​2137]( ([eddceaa]( - **go:** Bump from 0.1.4 to 0.1.5 ([#​2146]( ([7e425e1]( - **go:** bump to fix 32-bit panic ([#​2128]( ([5104b19]( ### [`v4.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( v4.0.0 🥳 It's finally here! Welcome to gomplate v4.0.0! This release is a **major release, with breaking changes.** Read on for more details... Probably the most important feature that's evolved in gomplate over the years is its support for reading and parsing data from a variety of sources. Using URLs to specify where to find data has proven to be quite flexible, and has allowed for a lot of different data sources to be supported. In early 2021, I took what I had learned from supporting all of these different data sources, and I created a new module called [`go-fsimpl`](, which provides a number of Go filesystem implementations that can be used with Go's filesystem interfaces. My goal with `go-fsimpl` was always to use it in gomplate, and now that it's data source support has reached parity with gomplate, it's time to make the switch! As a result, and because `go-fsimpl` presents a much more consistent and unified approach to data sources, I've had to drop support for one data source, and in fixing some inconsistencies in how URLs have been handled by some of the data sources, I've had to make some breaking changes there as well. ⚠️ *Please,* if you're using gomplate in production, *read these release notes carefully and in full,* and review your usage of gomplate to make sure you can adapt to these changes. #### Breaking changes ##### Dropped support for the BoltDB data source Support for the `boltdb` URL scheme has been removed. The implementation was never very robust, and I'm not aware of anyone using it. It had some unique quirks that would have made it quite difficult to support in `go-fsiml` as-is, so I've decided to drop it. ##### No more `slim` binaries The `slim` binaries were deprecated in v3.11, and will no longer be produced. ##### Stricter URL handling ##### Subpaths are now always relative URLs When using the `datasource` function with a subpath (second argument), the subpath has previously been intepreted by some data sources as a simple addition to the URL, and by others as a relative URL to be interpreted relative to the data source's base URL (as specified by the `--datasource` flag). Now, all data sources will interpret the subpath as a relative URL, and will resolve it relative to the data source's base URL. This means that, given a base URL of `git+` and a subpath of `random.go`, the resulting URL will be `git+`. To correct this, make sure that base URLs end with a trailing slash when the last component is a directory. Also, if the subpath begins with a slash, it will be interpreted as an absolute path, and will replace the base URL's path. For example, given a base URL of `git+file:///tmp/repos//myrepo/` and a subpath of `/myfile.txt`, the resulting URL will be `git+file:///myfile.txt`. To correct this, make sure that subpaths don't begin with a slash. Note that for the special `//` separator indicating the separation between a Git repository and the path within, a subpath should now begin with `.//` rather than `//`. This affects at least the `git` and `file` data sources. ##### Directories in datasource URLs must end with a slash Previously, some data sources would assume URLs that end without a trailing slash are directories, and relative lookups would be performed within that directory. This was inconsistent with how URLs are normally interpreted, and could lead to unexpected results. Now, all data sources will always interpret URLs without a trailing slash as files, and relative lookups will be performed within the parent directory of the URL. For example, given a base URL of `vault:///secret` and a subpath of `foo`, the resulting URL will be `vault:///foo`. To correct this, make sure that base URLs end with a trailing slash when the last component is a directory. ##### Consistent data values The `aws+smp` data source previously returned the AWS output object, with both metadata and data. Users needed to reference the `Value` field to get the actual data. Now, the `aws+smp` data source will return the data directly. The `consul` data source supports directory semantics, but previously returned all the data as a JSON array of key/value pair objects. Now, the `consul` data source will return directory listings like all other data sources, as a JSON array of strings (the names of the keys). ##### Vault app-id authentication support removed Support for the Vault "app-id" authentication method has been removed. This method was deprecated in Vault 0.6.1, and removed in Vault 1.13. If you're still using this method, you must switch to a different authentication method. Consider the "approle" method as a similar replacement. ##### The `suppressEmpty` behaviour is now always enabled In previous versions of gomplate, output that consist only of whitespace would by default still be written to files, with the `suppressEmpty` flag or `GOMPLATE_SUPPRESS_EMPTY` environment variable being required to suppress this behaviour. Now, this behaviour is always enabled, and the `suppressEmpty` flag and `GOMPLATE_SUPPRESS_EMPTY` environment variable have been removed. ##### Log message formatting changes A new logging framework is now in use (the standard library's `log/slog` package), and so error and debug (`--verbose`) messages will appear differently (different colours for the console format, and key/value pairs may are sorted differently). ##### Functions returning errors instead of quietly returning 0 on invalid input Instead of quietly returning `0`, a number of functions in the `conv` namespace will now return an error if the input is invalid. This includes: - `conv.ToInt64`, `conv.ToInt`, `conv.ToInt64s`, `conv.ToInts`, `conv.ToFloat64`, `conv.ToFloat64s`, `conv.ParseInt`, `conv.ParseFloat`, `conv.ParseUint`, `conv.Atoi` Because these functions are used by some other functions, this introduces stricter input validation for these functions: - `coll.Flatten` - `crypto.PBKDF2`, `crypto.Bcrypt`, `crypto.RSAGenerateKey`, `crypto.EncryptAES`, `crypto.DecryptAES`, `crypto.DecryptAESBytes` - `math.Abs`, `math.Add`, `math.Mul`, `math.Sub`, `math.Div`, `math.Rem`, `math.Pow`, `math.Seq`, `math.Max`, `math.Min`, `math.Ceil`, `math.Floor`, `math.Round` - `net.CIDRHost`, `net.CIDRSubnets`, `net.CIDRSubnetSizes` - `random.ASCII`, `random.Alpha`, `random.AlphaNum`, `random.String`, `random.Number`, `random.Float` - `regexp.FindAll`, `regexp.Split` - `strings.Abbrev`, `strings.WordWrap` - `time.Nanosecond`, `time.Microsecond`, `time.Millisecond`, `time.Second`, `time.Minute`, `time.Hour` ##### Functions in the `regexp` namespace now return errors instead of panicking Previously, the `regexp.Match` and `regexp.Replace` functions would panic if the regular expression was invalid. Now, they will return an error instead. ##### Removed functions The following functions have been removed: - `conv.Dict`, `conv.Slice`, `conv.Has` - These have been deprecated since v3.2.0 and have been replaced with [`coll.Dict`](, [`coll.Slice`](, and [`coll.Has`]( #### Deprecations *See [the deprecation policy](* - A number of functions are deprecated, and will likely be removed in v5: - the `slice` alias for `coll.Slice` (use [`coll.Slice`]( instead) - The `net.Parse*` functions which produced values from the `` module have been deprecated and replaced with functions using the Go standard library's `net/netip` package: - `net.ParseIP` (use [`net.ParseAddr`]( instead) - `net.ParseIPPrefix` (use [`net.ParsePrefix`]( instead) - `net.ParseIPRange` (use [`net.ParseRange`]( instead) - The array form of configuring nested templates is deprecated, and a new map-based form is now available. This will be removed in a later v4 minor release (i.e. not in v4.0.0, but before v5). - Support for the `AWS_META_ENDPOINT` environment variable for overriding the IMDS endpoint in `aws` functions has been deprecated in favor of the AWS-native `AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT`. This will be removed in a later v4 minor release (i.e. not in v4.0.0, but before v5). - A number of functions and types in the Go API are deprecated. Using a linter like `staticcheck` will help you find these in your code if you're using gomplate as a module. Follow the instructions in the deprecation comments to find out what to use instead. #### Thanks Plenty of people have contributed to gomplate by filing issues, suggesting new features, or submitting pull requests. I'd like to especially thank the following people for submitting pull requests in this release: - [@​adriens]( - [@​ahochsteger]( - [@​AndrewSav]( - [@​giorgiga]( - [@​hartzell]( - [@​horvski]( - [@​iblancasa]( - [@​isavcic]( - [@​Juneezee]( - [@​krishnatippur]( - [@​lliissoonngg]( - [@​mayurwaghmode]( - [@​mihaitodor]( - [@​stefanb]( - [@​sukhil-suresh]( - [@​tenstad]( - [@​wuhuizuo]( - [@​xxxcoltxxx]( - [@​zregvart]( *** Be sure to also check out the multi-platform Docker images available at [`hairyhenderson/gomplate`]( *If you've gained value out of gomplate and want to find a way to encourage development, please consider [sponsoring gomplate](!* *** #### [v4.0.0]( (2024-06-18) [Full Changelog (since v3.11)]( [Changes since v4.0.0-pre-3]( ##### Release Notes ##### New features and changes - [#​1336]( Use go-fsimpl to read from datasources - [#​1949]( Add missing-key flag to manage behavior in case of non-existing key - thanks to [@​xxxcoltxxx](! - [#​1922]( Flip to ltsc2022 image for windows variant - [#​1781]( Support for CUE - [#​1837]( Add support for Linux s390x - thanks to [@​iblancasa](! - [#​1700]( Add package manager - thanks to [@​adriens](! - [#​1698]( New plugin args option (implements [#​1552]( - [#​1668]( Remove support for obsolete Vault app-id auth - [#​1440]( Added ppc64le support - thanks to [@​mayurwaghmode](! - [#​1615]( Deprecate netaddr-based funcs - [#​1538]( Deprecate non-pipelineable strings aliases - [#​1433]( Removed slim (UPX-compressed) binary/image support - [#​1397]( Remove BoltDB support - [#​1977]( Move `funcs` package to `internal/funcs` - [#​1963]( Add [`--exclude-processing`]( option - [#​2068]( Switch from zerolog to slog - [#​1981]( Always suppress empty output - [#​2069]( `coll.Pick` now supports slice of strings as input - [#​2083]( Replaced the `data.Data` type with a datasource registry - [#​2089]( Update `strings.Indent` to error on bad input - [#​2095]( Removed deprecated `RunTemplates` function and old `Config` type - [#​2094]( Exported new `Config` type and updated `Run` function and other API functions - [#​2105]( Return errors instead of panicking on `regexp` functions - [#​2104]( Return errors instead of 0 on invalid inputs to `conv.*` functions - [#​2115]( Add ability to override `type` query parameter name with `GOMPLATE_TYPE_PARAM` environment variable ##### New functions - [#​1900]( Add support for [`Ed25519`]( - thanks to [@​horvski](! - [#​1829]( Add `semver` functions - thanks to [@​wuhuizuo](! - [#​1589]( New `coll.Index` function - [#​1585]( Add `coll.JQ` using gojq library - thanks to [@​ahochsteger](! - [#​1587]( Add `strings.SkipLines` function - [#​1464]( Add `coll.GoSlice` and deprecate `slice` alias - [#​2118]( New `coll.Set` and `coll.Unset` functions ##### Bug fixes - [#​1918]( Clarify config parsing errors - [#​1915]( Fix the wdFS behaviour due to Go 1.21.4's changes to IsAbs - [#​1916]( Fix git+file bug with non-current windows drives - [#​1851]( Remove defers from main() to stop suppressing panics - [#​1835]( Make `strings.Title` not lowercase acronyms - thanks to [@​zregvart](! - [#​1643]( Fix file descriptor leak - [#​1480]( Fix nested template panic - thanks to [@​mihaitodor](! ##### Documentation fixes/updates - [#​1868]( List release versions for each function, add unreleased label - [#​1873]( Explain that `index` supports nested keys - thanks to [@​isavcic](! - [#​1885]( docs: format user template in hello example - thanks to [@​tenstad](! - [#​1866]( document the workaround for Vault KV secrets engine - version 2 - thanks to [@​AndrewSav](! - [#​1745]( Fix output-map usage docs - [#​1729]( Migrate docs site to new theme - [#​1714]( Clarified documentation of data.CSVBy\* functions - thanks to [@​giorgiga](! - [#​1588]( Clarify documentation to highlight the differences between `index` and `.` - [#​1622]( Fix minor typo: Pic -> Pick - thanks to [@​hartzell](! - [#​1518]( Fix incorrect `coll.GoSlice` example (fixes [#​1517]( - [#​1506]( Clarify git URL docs - stop implying subpaths starting with `//` are a good idea ##### Misc. internal contributions - [#​1940]( test: use `t.Setenv` to set env vars in tests - thanks to [@​Juneezee](! - [#​1828]( build: bump `` to `` - thanks to [@​wuhuizuo](! - [#​1796]( Bump for compatibility with Go 1.21 - thanks to [@​stefanb](! - [#​1739]( Update Makefile to use CGO_ENABLED environment variable - thanks to [@​sukhil-suresh](!


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