Closed samzph closed 2 years ago
Hey @samzph
thanks for your report. I have several follow up question please see below:
@Zelldon yes - you are right, I should include the values.yaml. As for the impact, the identity pod was erroring out after being unable to talk to the keycloak pod as the keycloak pod was unable to connect to the DB.
I am using version 8.0.7.
This is a clean install. However, I think you were onto something with the PVCs, it seems to have failed on the first attempt for an unknown reason, and after that I think I may have muddied the waters trying to troubleshoot, so even after clearing the PVCs I may have had some incompatible settings in the various updates I made to --set flags and the values files.
So as of now, it seems to be working!
And for posterity I suppose, this is the exact command I am using to deploy:
helm upgrade --install camunda-ee camunda-ee/camunda-platform -n camunda-ee --values values.yaml
("camunda-ee" repo points to - as my "camunda" repo is set up to use the old one - I am sure that the above command was using camunda-ee as this is what I have been running in my terminal - I just simplified it to Camunda to take out naming complexity in the troubleshooting of this issue)
Here is the values file (if you compare with the one bundled with the 8.0.7 chart the differences are as stated):
# Default values for Camunda Platform helm.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# The values file follows helm best practices
# This means:
# * Variable names should begin with a lowercase letter, and words should be separated with camelcase.
# * Every defined property in values.yaml should be documented. The documentation string should begin with the name of the property that it describes, and then give at least a one-sentence description
# Furthermore, we try to apply the following pattern: # [VarName] [conjunction] [definition]
# VarName:
# * In the documentation the variable name is started with a big letter, similar to kubernetes resource documentation.
# * If the variable is part of a subsection/object we use a json path expression (to make it more clear where the variable belongs to).
# The root (chart name) is omitted (e.g. zeebe). This is useful for using --set in helm.
# Conjunction:
# * [defines] for mandatory configuration
# * [can be used] for optional configuration
# * [if true] for toggles
# * [configuration] for section/group of variables
# Global configuration for variables which can be accessed by all sub charts
# Annotations can be used to define common annotations, which should be applied to all deployments
annotations: {}
# Labels can be used to define common labels, which should be applied to all deployments
app: camunda-platform
# Image configuration to be used in each sub chart
# Image.tag defines the tag / version which should be used in the chart
tag: 8.0.0
# Image.pullPolicy defines the image pull policy which should be used
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Image.pullSecrets can be used to configure image pull secrets
pullSecrets: [ ]
# Elasticsearch configuration which is shared between the sub charts
# Elasticsearch.disableExporter if true, disables the elastic exporter in zeebe
disableExporter: false
# Elasticsearch.url can be used to configure the URL to access elasticsearch, if not set services fallback to host and port configuration
# defines the elasticsearch host, ideally the service name inside the namespace
host: "elasticsearch-master"
# Elasticsearch.port defines the elasticsearch port, under which elasticsearch can be accessed
port: 9200
# Elasticsearch.clusterName defines the cluster name which is used by Elasticsearch
clusterName: "elasticsearch"
# Elasticsearch.prefix defines the prefix which is used by the Zeebe Elasticsearch Exporter to create Elasticsearch indexes
prefix: zeebe-record
# ZeebeClusterName defines the cluster name for the Zeebe cluster. All Zeebe pods get this prefix in their name and the brokers uses that as cluster name.
zeebeClusterName: "{{ .Release.Name }}-zeebe"
# ZeebePort defines the port which is used for the Zeebe Gateway. This port accepts the GRPC Client messages and forwards them to the Zeebe Brokers.
zeebePort: 26500
# Identity configuration to configure identity specifics on global level, which can be accessed by other sub-charts
# Identity.auth configuration, to configure Identity authentication setup
# Identity.auth.enabled if true, enables the Identity authentication otherwise basic-auth will be used on all services.
enabled: true
# Identity.auth.publicIssuerUrl defines the token issuer (Keycloak) URL, where the services can request JWT tokens.
# Should be public accessible, per default we assume a port-forward to Keycloak (18080) is created before login.
# Can be overwritten if, ingress is in use and an external IP is available.
publicIssuerUrl: "http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform"
# Identity.auth.operate configuration to configure Operate authentication specifics on global level, which can be accessed by other sub-charts
# Identity.auth.operate.existingSecret can be used to reference an existing secret. If not set, a random secret is generated.
# The existing secret should contain an `operate-secret` field, which will be used as secret for the Identity-Operate communication.
# Identity.auth.operate.redirectUrl defines the redirect URL, which is used by Keycloak to access Operate.
# Should be public accessible, the default value works if port-forward to Operate is created to 8081.
# Can be overwritten if, ingress is in use and an external IP is available.
redirectUrl: "http://localhost:8081"
# Identity.auth.tasklist configuration to configure Tasklist authentication specifics on global level, which can be accessed by other sub-charts
# Identity.auth.tasklist.existingSecret can be used to use an own existing secret. If not set a random secret is generated.
# The existing secret should contain an `tasklist-secret` field, which will be used as secret for the Identity-Tasklist communication.
# Identity.auth.tasklist.redirectUrl defines the root (or redirect) URL, which is used by Keycloak to access Tasklist.
# Should be public accessible, the default value works if port-forward to Tasklist is created to 8082.
# Can be overwritten if, ingress is in use and an external IP is available.
redirectUrl: "http://localhost:8082"
# Identity.auth.optimize configuration to configure Optimize authentication specifics on global level, which can be accessed by other sub-charts
# Identity.auth.optimize.existingSecret can be used to use an own existing secret. If not set a random secret is generated.
# The existing secret should contain an `optimize-secret` field, which will be used as secret for the Identity-Optimize communication.
# Identity.auth.optimize.redirectUrl defines the root (or redirect) URL, which is used by Keycloak to access Optimize.
# Should be public accessible, the default value works if port-forward to Optimize is created to 8082.
# Can be overwritten if, ingress is in use and an external IP is available.
redirectUrl: "http://localhost:8083"
# Zeebe configuration for the Zeebe sub chart. Contains configuration for the Zeebe broker and related resources.
# Enabled if true, all zeebe related resources are deployed via the helm release
enabled: true
# Image configuration to configure the zeebe image specifics
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: camunda/zeebe
# Image.tag can be set to overwrite the global tag, which should be used in that chart
# ClusterSize defines the amount of brokers (=replicas), which are deployed via helm
clusterSize: "3"
# PartitionCount defines how many zeebe partitions are set up in the cluster
partitionCount: "3"
# ReplicationFactor defines how each partition is replicated, the value defines the number of nodes
replicationFactor: "3"
# Env can be used to set extra environment variables in each zeebe broker container
value: "5m"
value: "0.85"
value: "0.87"
# ConfigMap configuration which will be applied to the mounted config map.
# ConfigMap.defaultMode can be used to set permissions on created files by default. Must be an octal value between 0000 and 0777 or a decimal value between 0 and 511.
# See
defaultMode: 0744
# Command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image. See
command: []
# LogLevel defines the log level which is used by the zeebe brokers
logLevel: info
# Log4j2 can be used to overwrite the log4j2 configuration of the zeebe brokers
log4j2: ''
# JavaOpts can be used to set java options for the zeebe brokers
javaOpts: >-
# Service configuration for the broker service
# Service.type defines the type of the service
type: ClusterIP
# Service.httpPort defines the port of the http endpoint, where for example metrics are provided
httpPort: 9600
# Service.httpName defines the name of the http endpoint, where for example metrics are provided
httpName: "http"
# Service.commandPort defines the port of the command api endpoint, where the broker commands are sent to
commandPort: 26501
# Service.commandName defines the name of the command api endpoint, where the broker commands are sent to
commandName: "command"
# Service.internalPort defines the port of the internal api endpoint, which is used for internal communication
internalPort: 26502
# Service.internalName defines the name of the internal api endpoint, which is used for internal communication
internalName: "internal"
# extraPorts can be used to expose any other ports which are required. Can be useful for exporters
extraPorts: []
# - name: hazelcast
# protocol: TCP
# port: 5701
# targetPort: 5701
# ServiceAccount configuration for the service account where the broker pods are assigned to
# ServiceAccount.enabled if true, enables the broker service account
enabled: true
# can be used to set the name of the broker service account
name: ""
# ServiceAccount.annotations can be used to set the annotations of the broker service account
annotations: { }
# CpuThreadCount defines how many threads can be used for the processing on each broker pod
cpuThreadCount: "3"
# IoThreadCount defines how many threads can be used for the exporting on each broker pod
ioThreadCount: "3"
# Resources configuration to set request and limit configuration for the container
cpu: 800m
memory: 1200Mi
cpu: 960m
memory: 1920Mi
# PersistenceType defines the type of persistence which is used by Zeebe. Possible values are: disk, local and memory.
# disk - means a persistence volume claim is configured and used
# local - means the data is stored into the container, no volumeMount nor volume nor claim is configured
# memory - means zeebe uses a tmpfs for the data persistence, be aware that this takes the limits into account
persistenceType: disk
# PvcSize defines the persistent volume claim size, which is used by each broker pod
pvcSize: "32Gi"
# PvcAccessModes can be used to configure the persistent volume claim access mode
pvcAccessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
# PvcStorageClassName can be used to set the storage class name which should be used by the persistent volume claim. It is recommended to use a storage class, which is backed with a SSD.
pvcStorageClassName: ''
# ExtraVolumes can be used to define extra volumes for the broker pods, useful for additional exporters
extraVolumes: [ ]
# ExtraVolumeMounts can be used to mount extra volumes for the broker pods, useful for additional exporters
extraVolumeMounts: [ ]
# ExtraInitContainers can be used to set up extra init containers for the broker pods, useful for additional exporters
extraInitContainers: [ ]
# PodAnnotations can be used to define extra broker pod annotations
podAnnotations: { }
# PodLabels can be used to define extra broker pod labels
podLabels: { }
# PodDisruptionBudget configuration to configure a pod disruption budget for the broker pods
# PodDisruptionBudget.enabled if true a pod disruption budget is defined for the brokers
enabled: false
# PodDisruptionBudget.minAvailable can be used to set how many pods should be available. Be aware that if minAvailable is set, maxUnavailable will not be set (they are mutually exclusive).
# podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable can be used to set how many pods should be at max. unavailable
maxUnavailable: 1
# ContainerSecurityContext defines the security options the broker container should be run with
containerSecurityContext: { }
# NodeSelector can be used to define on which nodes the broker pods should run
Name: camundagroup
# Tolerations can be used to define pod toleration's
tolerations: [ ]
# Affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity
# The default defined PodAntiAffinity allows constraining on which nodes the Zeebe pods are scheduled on
# It uses a hard requirement for scheduling and works based on the Zeebe pod labels
- labelSelector:
- key: ""
operator: In
- zeebe-broker
topologyKey: ""
# PriorityClassName can be used to define the broker pods priority
priorityClassName: ""
# ReadinessProbe configuration for the zeebe broker readiness probe
# ReadinessProbe.probePath defines the readiness probe route used on the zeebe brokers
probePath: /ready
# ReadinessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 10
# ReadinessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# ReadinessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# Gateway configuration to define properties related to the standalone gateway
# Replicas defines how many standalone gateways are deployed
replicas: 2
# Image configuration to configure the zeebe-gateway image specifics
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: camunda/zeebe
# Image.tag can be set to overwrite the global tag, which should be used in that chart
# PodAnnotations can be used to define extra gateway pod annotations
podAnnotations: { }
# PodLabels can be used to define extra gateway pod labels
podLabels: { }
# LogLevel defines the log level which is used by the gateway
logLevel: info
# Log4j2 can be used to overwrite the log4j2 configuration of the gateway
log4j2: ''
# JavaOpts can be used to set java options for the zeebe gateways
javaOpts: >-
# Env can be used to set extra environment variables in each gateway container
env: [ ]
# ConfigMap configuration which will be applied to the mounted config map.
# ConfigMap.defaultMode can be used to set permissions on created files by default. Must be an octal value between 0000 and 0777 or a decimal value between 0 and 511.
# See
defaultMode: 0744
# Command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image. See
command: []
# ContainerSecurityContext defines the security options the gateway container should be run with
containerSecurityContext: { }
# PodDisruptionBudget configuration to configure a pod disruption budget for the gateway pods
# PodDisruptionBudget.enabled if true a pod disruption budget is defined for the gateways
enabled: false
# PodDisruptionBudget.minAvailable can be used to set how many pods should be available. Be aware that if minAvailable is set, maxUnavailable will not be set (they are mutually exclusive).
minAvailable: 1
# PodDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable can be used to set how many pods should be at max. unavailable
# Resources configuration to set request and limit configuration for the container
cpu: 400m
memory: 450Mi
cpu: 400m
memory: 450Mi
# PriorityClassName can be used to define the gateway pods priority
priorityClassName: ""
# NodeSelector can be used to define on which nodes the gateway pods should run
Name: camundagroup
# Tolerations can be used to define pod toleration's
tolerations: [ ]
# Affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity
# The default defined PodAntiAffinity allows constraining on which nodes the Zeebe gateway pods are scheduled on
# It uses a hard requirement for scheduling and works based on the Zeebe gateway pod labels
- labelSelector:
- key: ""
operator: In
- zeebe-gateway
topologyKey: ""
# ExtraVolumeMounts can be used to mount extra volumes for the gateway pods, useful for enabling tls between gateway and broker
extraVolumeMounts: [ ]
# ExtraVolumes can be used to define extra volumes for the gateway pods, useful for enabling tls between gateway and broker
extraVolumes: [ ]
# ExtraInitContainers can be used to set up extra init containers for the gateway pods, useful for adding interceptors
extraInitContainers: [ ]
# Service configuration for the gateway service
# Service.type defines the type of the service
type: ClusterIP
# Service.loadBalancerIP defines public ip of the load balancer if the type is LoadBalancer
loadBalancerIP: ""
# Service.loadBalancerSourceRanges defines list of allowed source ip address ranges if the type is LoadBalancer
loadBalancerSourceRanges: [ ]
# Service.httpPort defines the port of the http endpoint, where for example metrics are provided
httpPort: 9600
# Service.httpName defines the name of the http endpoint, where for example metrics are provided
httpName: "http"
# Service.gatewayPort defines the port of the gateway endpoint, where client commands (grpc) are sent to
gatewayPort: 26500
# Service.gatewayName defines the name of the gateway endpoint, where client commands (grpc) are sent to
gatewayName: "gateway"
# Service.internalPort defines the port of the internal api endpoint, which is used for internal communication
internalPort: 26502
# Service.internalName defines the name of the internal api endpoint, which is used for internal communication
internalName: "internal"
# Service.annotations can be used to define annotations, which will be applied to the zeebe-gateway service
annotations: {}
# ServiceAccount configuration for the service account where the gateway pods are assigned to
# ServiceAccount.enabled if true, enables the gateway service account
enabled: true
# can be used to set the name of the gateway service account
name: ""
# ServiceAccount.annotations can be used to set the annotations of the gateway service account
annotations: { }
# Operate configuration for the operate sub chart.
# Enabled if true, the operate deployment and its related resources are deployed via a helm release
enabled: true
# Image configuration to configure the operate image specifics
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: camunda/operate
# Image.tag can be set to overwrite the global tag, which should be used in that chart
# PodLabels can be used to define extra operate pod labels
podLabels: { }
# Logging configuration for the operate logging. This template will be directly included in the operate configuration yaml file
org.camunda.operate: DEBUG
# Service configuration to configure the operate service.
# Service.type defines the type of the service
type: ClusterIP
# Service.port defines the port of the service, where the operate web application will be available
port: 80
# Service.annotations can be used to define annotations, which will be applied to the operate service
annotations: {}
# Resources configuration to set request and limit configuration for the container
cpu: 600m
memory: 400Mi
cpu: 2000m
memory: 2Gi
# Env can be used to set extra environment variables in each operate container
env: []
# ConfigMap configuration which will be applied to the mounted config map.
# ConfigMap.defaultMode can be used to set permissions on created files by default. Must be an octal value between 0000 and 0777 or a decimal value between 0 and 511.
# See
defaultMode: 0744
# Command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image. See
command: []
# ExtraVolumes can be used to define extra volumes for the operate pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumes: []
# ExtraVolumeMounts can be used to mount extra volumes for the operate pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumeMounts: []
# ServiceAccount configuration for the service account where the operate pods are assigned to
# ServiceAccount.enabled if true, enables the operate service account
enabled: true
# can be used to set the name of the operate service account
name: ""
# ServiceAccount.annotations can be used to set the annotations of the operate service account
annotations: { }
# Ingress configuration to configure the ingress resource
# Ingress.enabled if true, an ingress resource is deployed with the operate deployment. Only useful if an ingress controller is available, like nginx.
enabled: false
# Ingress.className defines the class or configuration of ingress which should be used by the controller
className: nginx
# Ingress.annotations defines the ingress related annotations, consumed mostly by the ingress controller
annotations: "/" "false"
# Ingress.path defines the path which is associated with the operate service and port
path: /
# can be used to define the host of the ingress rule.
# If not specified the rules applies to all inbound http traffic, if specified the rule applies to that host.
host: ""
# Ingress.tls configuration for tls on the ingress resource
# Ingress.tls.enabled if true, then tls is configured on the ingress resource. If enabled the need to be defined.
enabled: false
# Ingress.tls.secretName defines the secret name which contains the TLS private key and certificate
secretName: ""
# PodSecurityContext defines the security options the operate container should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
# NodeSelector can be used to define on which nodes the operate pods should run
Name: camundagroup
# Tolerations can be used to define pod toleration's
tolerations: [ ]
# Affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity
affinity: { }
# Tasklist configuration for the tasklist sub chart.
# Enabled if true, the tasklist deployment and its related resources are deployed via a helm release
enabled: true
# Image configuration to configure the tasklist image specifics
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: camunda/tasklist
# Image.tag can be set to overwrite the global tag, which should be used in that chart
# Env can be used to set extra environment variables on each Tasklist container
env: [ ]
# PodLabels can be used to define extra tasklist pod labels
podLabels: { }
# ConfigMap configuration which will be applied to the mounted config map.
# ConfigMap.defaultMode can be used to set permissions on created files by default. Must be an octal value between 0000 and 0777 or a decimal value between 0 and 511.
# See
defaultMode: 0744
# Command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image. See
command: []
# Service configuration to configure the tasklist service.
# Service.type defines the type of the service
type: ClusterIP
# Service.port defines the port of the service, where the tasklist web application will be available
port: 80
# GraphqlPlaygroundEnabled if true, enables the graphql playground
graphqlPlaygroundEnabled: ""
# GraphqlPlaygroundEnabled can be set to include the credentials in each request, should be set to "include" if graphql playground is enabled
graphqlPlaygroundRequestCredentials: ""
# PodSecurityContext defines the security options the operate container should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
# NodeSelector can be used to define on which nodes the tasklist pods should run
Name: camundagroup
# Tolerations can be used to define pod toleration's
tolerations: [ ]
# Affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity
affinity: { }
# Resources configuration to set request and limit configuration for the container
cpu: 400m
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 1000m
memory: 2Gi
# Ingress configuration to configure the ingress resource
# Ingress.enabled if true, an ingress resource is deployed with the tasklist deployment. Only useful if an ingress controller is available, like nginx.
enabled: false
# Ingress.className defines the class or configuration of ingress which should be used by the controller
className: nginx
# Ingress.annotations defines the ingress related annotations, consumed mostly by the ingress controller
annotations: "/" "false"
# Ingress.path defines the path which is associated with the operate service and port
path: /
# can be used to define the host of the ingress rule.
# If not specified the rules applies to all inbound http traffic, if specified the rule applies to that host.
# Optimize configuration for the Optimize sub chart.
# Enabled if true, the Optimize deployment and its related resources are deployed via a helm release
enabled: true
# Image configuration to configure the Optimize image specifics
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: camunda/optimize
# Image.tag can be set to overwrite the global tag, which should be used in that chart
tag: 3.8.0
# PodLabels can be used to define extra Optimize pod labels
podLabels: { }
# PartitionCount defines how many Zeebe partitions are set up in the cluster and which should be imported by Optimize
partitionCount: "3"
# Env can be used to set extra environment variables in each Optimize container
env: []
# Command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image. See
command: []
# ExtraVolumes can be used to define extra volumes for the Optimize pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumes: []
# ExtraVolumeMounts can be used to mount extra volumes for the Optimize pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumeMounts: []
# ServiceAccount configuration for the service account where the Optimize pods are assigned to
# ServiceAccount.enabled if true, enables the Optimize service account
enabled: true
# can be used to set the name of the Optimize service account
name: ""
# ServiceAccount.annotations can be used to set the annotations of the Optimize service account
annotations: { }
# Service configuration to configure the Optimize service.
# Service.type defines the type of the service
type: ClusterIP
# Service.port defines the port of the service, where the Optimize web application will be available
port: 80
# Service.annotations can be used to define annotations, which will be applied to the Optimize service
annotations: {}
# PodSecurityContext defines the security options the operate container should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
# NodeSelector can be used to define on which nodes the Optimize pods should run
Name: camundagroup
# Tolerations can be used to define pod toleration's
tolerations: [ ]
# Affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity
affinity: { }
# Resources configuration to set request and limit configuration for the container
cpu: 600m
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 2000m
memory: 2Gi
# Ingress configuration to configure the ingress resource
# Ingress.enabled if true, an ingress resource is deployed with the Optimize deployment. Only useful if an ingress controller is available, like nginx.
enabled: false
# Ingress.className defines the class or configuration of ingress which should be used by the controller
className: nginx
# Ingress.annotations defines the ingress related annotations, consumed mostly by the ingress controller
annotations: "/" "false"
# Ingress.path defines the path which is associated with the operate service and port
path: /
# can be used to define the host of the ingress rule.
# If not specified the rules applies to all inbound http traffic, if specified the rule applies to that host.
# RetentionPolicy configuration to configure the elasticsearch index retention policies
# RetentionPolicy.enabled if true, elasticsearch curator cronjob and configuration will be deployed.
enabled: false
# RetentionPolicy.schedule defines how often/when the curator should run
schedule: "0 0 * * *"
# RetentionPolicy.zeebeIndexTTL defines after how many days a zeebe index can be deleted
zeebeIndexTTL: 1
# RetentionPolicy.zeebeIndexMaxSize can be set to configure the maximum allowed zeebe index size in gigabytes.
# After reaching that size, curator will delete that corresponding index on the next run.
# To benefit from that configuration the schedule needs to be configured small enough, like every 15 minutes.
# RetentionPolicy.operateIndexTTL defines after how many days an operate index can be deleted
operateIndexTTL: 30
# RetentionPolicy.tasklistIndexTTL defines after how many days a tasklist index can be deleted
tasklistIndexTTL: 30
# Image configuration for the elasticsearch curator cronjob
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: bitnami/elasticsearch-curator
# Image.tag defines the tag / version which should be used in the chart
tag: 5.8.4
# PrometheusServiceMonitor configuration to configure a prometheus service monitor
# PrometheusServiceMonitor.enabled if true then a service monitor will be deployed, which allows an installed prometheus controller to scrape metrics from the deployed pods
enabled: false
# PromotheuServiceMonitor.labels can be set to configure extra labels, which will be added to the servicemonitor and can be used on the prometheus controller for selecting the servicemonitors
release: metrics
# PromotheuServiceMonitor.scrapeInterval can be set to configure the interval at which metrics should be scraped
scrapeInterval: 10s
# Identity configuration for the identity sub chart.
# Enabled if true, the identity deployment and its related resources are deployed via a helm release
# Note: Identity is required by Optimize. If Identity is disabled, then Optimize will be unusable.
# If you don't need Optimize, then make sure to disable both: set global.identity.auth.enabled=false AND optimize.enabled=false.
enabled: true
# FirstUser configuration to configure properties of the first Identity user, which can be used to access all
# web applications
# FirstUser.username defines the username of the first user, needed to log in into the web applications
username: demo
# FirstUser.password defines the password of the first user, needed to log in into the web applications
password: demo
# Image configuration to configure the identity image specifics
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: camunda/identity
# Image.tag can be set to overwrite the global tag, which should be used in that chart
# Service configuration to configure the identity service.
# Service.type defines the type of the service
type: ClusterIP
# Service.port defines the port of the service, where the identity web application will be available
port: 80
# Service.annotations can be used to define annotations, which will be applied to the identity service
annotations: {}
# Resources configuration to set request and limit configuration for the container
cpu: 600m
memory: 400Mi
cpu: 2000m
memory: 2Gi
# Env can be used to set extra environment variables in each identity container
env: []
# Command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image. See
command: []
# ExtraVolumes can be used to define extra volumes for the identity pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumes: []
# ExtraVolumeMounts can be used to mount extra volumes for the identity pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumeMounts: []
# Keycloak configuration, for the keycloak dependency chart which is used by identity
# Keycloak.service configuration, to configure the service which is deployed along with keycloak
# Keycloak.service.type can be set to change the service type.
# We use clusterIP for keycloak service, since per default LoadBalancer is used, which is not supported on all cloud providers.
# This might prevent scheduling of the service.
type: ClusterIP
## Keycloak authentication parameters
## ref:
## Identity uses the secrets generated by keycloak, to access keycloak.
# Keycloak.auth.adminUser defines the keycloak administrator user
adminUser: admin
# Keycloak.auth.existingSecret can be used to reuse an existing secret containing authentication information.
# See for more details.
# Example:
# Keycloak.auth.existingSecret:
# name: mySecret
# keyMapping:
# admin-password: myPasswordKey
# management-password: myManagementPasswordKey
# tls-keystore-password: myTlsKeystorePasswordKey
# tls-truestore-password: myTlsTruestorePasswordKey
existingSecret: ""
# ServiceAccount configuration for the service account where the identity pods are assigned to
# ServiceAccount.enabled if true, enables the identity service account
enabled: true
# can be used to set the name of the identity service account
name: ""
# ServiceAccount.annotations can be used to set the annotations of the identity service account
annotations: { }
# Ingress configuration to configure the ingress resource
# Ingress.enabled if true, an ingress resource is deployed with the identity deployment. Only useful if an ingress controller is available, like nginx.
enabled: false
# Ingress.className defines the class or configuration of ingress which should be used by the controller
className: nginx
# Ingress.annotations defines the ingress related annotations, consumed mostly by the ingress controller
annotations: "/" "false"
# Ingress.path defines the path which is associated with the operate service and port
path: /
# can be used to define the host of the ingress rule.
# If not specified the rules applies to all inbound http traffic, if specified the rule applies to that host.
host: ""
# Ingress.tls configuration for tls on the ingress resource
# Ingress.tls.enabled if true, then tls is configured on the ingress resource. If enabled the need to be defined.
enabled: false
# Ingress.tls.secretName defines the secret name which contains the TLS private key and certificate
secretName: ""
# PodSecurityContext defines the security options the identity container should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
enabled: true
Name: camundagroup
image: ""
imageTag: "7.17.1"
- name: ""
value: "false"
replicas: 2
accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
storage: 64Gi
esJavaOpts: "-Xmx1g -Xms1g"
cpu: 1
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 2
memory: 2Gi
Happy that it works now @samzph thanks for sharing :+1:
Just that you're aware if you use upgrade you need to set the passwords via --set or via your values file on the second attempt, otherwise you get issues with regenerated secrets. You can read about it here
Installing with no parameters as in the guide seems to fail due to Keycloak not knowing the randomly generated password for the
user.The Issue:
$ kubectl logs -n camunda-ee camunda-ee-postgresql-0
This leads to a cascade of errors stemming from this stacktrace as the connection fails to create in keycloak:
$ kubectl logs -n camunda camunda-ee-keycloak-0 -f
Steps to reproduce:
Attempted Solutions: For the past few hours I've been following along on #127 trying to do this manually using
values, but I'm not having luck getting it to populate all the way down to the postgres chart nested within the keycloak chart nested within the identy chart (I can keep going :)).Basically it seems the current issue is that there is no logic in place to populate the randomly generated by default
from the<release-name>-postgresql
secret that is created at deployment. So KeyCloak has no idea how to authenticate to postgres.Additional Information In the interest of transparency, in case there's something weird with overrides I'm not catching, I am using a modified
file. I copied it from ahelm fetch
of the helm chart. My only modifications are adding a nodeselector and changing the elasticsearch image repo from to the docker hub.