camunda / camunda

Distributed Workflow Engine for Microservices Orchestration
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A process instance is stuck at an inclusive gateway #19460

Open saig0 opened 1 week ago

saig0 commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug

I have the following process with an inclusive gateway that joins two paths:

Screenshot from 2024-06-18 06-47-06




To Reproduce

  1. Deploy the following process inclusive-gateway-stuck.bpmn
  2. Complete the job A of the task A
  3. Throw a BPMN error for job B of the task B
  4. Verify that the process instance is active and the inclusive gateway is not activated/completed

Expected behavior

The process instance detects that there is no active path to the inclusive gateway and activates/completes it.


Screenshot from 2024-06-18 07-09-18


lzgabel commented 1 week ago

🤔 I verified it on C7 and found that C7 has the same behavior. It seems that we need to solve this problem through some kind of dynamic detection.

Deploy the following process inclusive-gateway-stuck_c7.bpmn


saig0 commented 1 week ago

@lzgabel thank you for checking the Camunda 7 behavior. :+1:

It is an interesting case. A detection on every command could be too resource-intensive. Maybe, we could add a detection when a path of a flow scope is completed/terminated (ref).