camunda / camunda

Distributed Workflow Engine for Microservices Orchestration
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A process instance doesn't complete after taking an incoming flows twice at an inclusive gateway #19464

Open saig0 opened 1 week ago

saig0 commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug

I have the following process with an inclusive gateway that joins two paths:

Screenshot from 2024-06-18 08-53-28





To Reproduce

  1. Deploy the following process inclusive-gateway-with-exclusive-gateway.bpmn
  2. Publish a message with the name M1 and the correlation-key "key"
  3. Complete the job B of the task B
  4. Complete the job A of the task A
  5. Verify that the process instance reaches task C and the end event
  6. Verify that the process instance is not completed

Expected behavior

The process instance is completed after reaching the end event.

How often should the inclusive gateway be completed?


Screenshot from 2024-06-18 09-07-11
