camunda / camunda

Distributed Workflow Engine for Microservices Orchestration
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[Backport stable/8.4] test: intercept request for deterministic test #19470

Closed backport-action closed 1 week ago

backport-action commented 1 week ago


Backport of #17225 to stable/8.4.

relates to #17029 original author: @deepthidevaki

backport-action commented 1 week ago

Please cherry-pick the changes locally and resolve any conflicts.

git fetch origin backport-17225-to-stable/8.4
git worktree add --checkout .worktree/backport-17225-to-stable/8.4 backport-17225-to-stable/8.4
cd .worktree/backport-17225-to-stable/8.4
git reset --hard HEAD^
git cherry-pick -x 6dd2e604cce59449b2a6ebeeaa5e9c54e13ffd42 7ced5fdea3c427968823739d74c1f824b49652a3 8165ca7b2fb1975470cd7cd6f1d71c8567bb6e54
git push --force-with-lease
backport-action commented 1 week ago

Created backport PR for stable/8.2:

Please cherry-pick the changes locally and resolve any conflicts.

git fetch origin backport-19470-to-stable/8.2
git worktree add --checkout .worktree/backport-19470-to-stable/8.2 backport-19470-to-stable/8.2
cd .worktree/backport-19470-to-stable/8.2
git reset --hard HEAD^
git cherry-pick -x 123aa0bdb4171eba2f406f3e9d6c2d57e5e26ddf 356d09bc047e6bf963c4bec014155aa4126a3ee7 9a9814a81f2c0c0536057697b7570b52f9518513
git push --force-with-lease
backport-action commented 1 week ago

Successfully created backport PR for stable/8.3: