camunda / camunda

Distributed Workflow Engine for Microservices Orchestration
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Improve migrate button behaviour #19474

Open gastonpillet01 opened 1 week ago

gastonpillet01 commented 1 week ago


It is quite unintuitive that users had to select a process and version in the filter panel first, so the "Migrate" button wouldn't be greyed out.

Expected behaviour:

  1. If you select one or more instances via the checkbox and they all are of the same process definition (+ version), the "Migrate" button should be clickable.

  2. If you select one or more instances via the checkbox and they differ either in process definition or version, the "Migrate" button should be greyed out with a hint tootlip like:

To migrate, choose instances from the same process & version. or To start migration process, selected instances should belong to the same process and version <--


User Story 1

Scenario 1: As an Operate user
    Given I selected multiple instances 
    When all selected instances belong to same process and version
    Then "Migrate" button is enabled

User Story 2

Scenario 1: As an Operate user
    Given I selected multiple instances 
    When selected instances arent from the same process and version
    Then "Migrate" button is disabled and displays a tooltip on hover 
gastonpillet01 commented 1 day ago

We should prioritize it for 8.6 alpha5