camunda / dmn-tck

Decision Model and Notation Technology Compatibility Kit
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0087-chapter-11-example #22

Open saig0 opened 3 years ago

saig0 commented 3 years ago
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Marital Status': failed to parse expression 'Marital Status': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:9, found "Status"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Employment Status': failed to parse expression 'Employment Status': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:12, found "Status"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Existing Customer': failed to parse expression 'Existing Customer': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:10, found "Customer"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Application Risk Score': failed to parse expression 'Application Risk Score': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:13, found "Risk Score"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Credit Score': failed to parse expression 'Credit Score': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:8, found "Score"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'if Product Type = "STANDARD LOAN"
                            then 20.00
                            else if Product Type = "SPECIAL LOAN"
                            then 25.00
                            else null': failed to parse expression 'if Product Type = "STANDARD LOAN"
                            then 20.00
                            else if Product Type = "SPECIAL LOAN"
                            then 25.00
                            else null': Expected (functionDefinition | forExpression | ifExpression | quantifiedExpression | expression2):1:1, found "if Product"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Risk Category': failed to parse expression 'Risk Category': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:6, found "Category"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Monthly Income - (Monthly Repayments + Monthly Expenses)': failed to parse expression 'Monthly Income - (Monthly Repayments + Monthly Expenses)': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:9, found "Income - ("
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Risk Category': failed to parse expression 'Risk Category': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:6, found "Category"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'if Disposable Income * Credit Contingency Factor > Required Monthly Installment
                            then true
                            else false': failed to parse expression 'if `Disposable Income` * `Credit Contingency Factor` > Required Monthly Installment
                            then true
                            else false': Expected (functionDefinition | forExpression | ifExpression | quantifiedExpression | expression2):1:1, found "if `Dispos"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Credit score': failed to parse expression 'Credit score': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:8, found "score"
unsupported decision expression 'null'
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Existing Customer': failed to parse expression 'Existing Customer': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:10, found "Customer"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Application Risk Score': failed to parse expression 'Application Risk Score': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:13, found "Risk Score"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Pre-Bureau Risk Category': failed to parse expression 'Pre-Bureau Risk Category': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:12, found "Risk Categ"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Pre-Bureau Risk Category': failed to parse expression 'Pre-Bureau Risk Category': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:12, found "Risk Categ"
Failed to parse FEEL expression 'Pre-Bureau Affordability': failed to parse expression 'Pre-Bureau Affordability': Expected (StringIn("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "!=", "=") | "between" | "in" | "and" | "or" | end-of-input):1:12, found "Affordabil"
saig0 commented 3 years ago