camunda / zeebe

Distributed Workflow Engine for Microservices Orchestration
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test: move operate schema tests into operate-qa-it-tests module #18148

Closed matt-whiteman closed 2 weeks ago

matt-whiteman commented 2 weeks ago


Move integration tests, test utils, and resources from operate schema module into operate-qa-it-tests module. This will allow them to be excluded when building for a release in the mono-repo as intended.

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related to #17650

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Operate Test Results

778 tests  ±0   763 :white_check_mark: ±0   13m 52s :stopwatch: ±0s 130 suites ±0    15 :zzz: ±0  130 files   ±0     0 :x: ±0 

Results for commit 0af60942. ± Comparison against base commit 668cf6bd.

This pull request removes 7 and adds 7 tests. Note that renamed tests count towards both. ``` io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testHasAnyOperateIndices io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testIsNotValidForANewerVersion io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testIsNotValidForMoreThanOneOlderVersion io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testIsValid io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testNewerVersionsForIndex io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testOlderVersionsForIndex io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testSchemaExists ``` ``` io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexOldSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testHasAnyOperateIndices io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexOldSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testIsNotValidForANewerVersion io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexOldSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testIsNotValidForMoreThanOneOlderVersion io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexOldSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testIsValid io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexOldSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testNewerVersionsForIndex io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexOldSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testOlderVersionsForIndex io.camunda.operate.schema.IndexOldSchemaValidatorIT ‑ testSchemaExists ```

:recycle: This comment has been updated with latest results.