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What we’ve learned so far // leçons apprises jusqu’à maintenant #51

Open RachelMuston opened 6 years ago

RachelMuston commented 6 years ago

The use of lean methodology throughout the development of this micro-procurement platform means we are constantly learning. With our first procurement opportunity now closed, we want to openly reflect on our learnings so far:

Have you been watching the evolution of the GC Developers Exchange? If you have any comments, please add them below. We want to hear from you.

Thanks to everyone here for participating in this procurement experiment!

L’utilisation de la méthodologie lean (Anglais seulement) tout au long de l’élaboration de cette plateforme de micro-approvisionnement fait en sorte que nous sommes en constant apprentissage. Maintenant que notre première possibilité de travail contractuel est terminée, nous voulons réfléchir de manière ouverte à ce que nous avons appris jusqu’à maintenant :

Avez-vous suivi l’évolution du Carrefour des développeurs du gouvernement du Canada? Si vous avez des commentaires, ajoutez-les ci-dessous. Nous voulons connaître votre opinion.

Nous vous remercions d’avoir participé à cette expérience d’approvisionnement!

lisafast commented 6 years ago

This is terrific @RachelMuston. The context, the WHY for the procurement opportunity is so essential.

One additional thought is that a true LEAN process would allow you to change the opportunity as "The problem scoping is done collaboratively". In a sense, the first posting of the opportunity is a specification - what you document here is the inherent problem with specs. They're rarely right the first time, need collaboration, prototyping and iteration to get them to a more accurate description.

So rather than cancelling the opportunity, there needs to be some process to change it, to adapt to the learning, while still honouring the competitive nature of the bidding process. Not easy - maybe there should be a price range that gradually gets narrowed? Or it does get cancelled (quickly!) and reissued?

RachelMuston commented 6 years ago

Thanks @lisafast! Excellent point.
To make this clear for anyone thinking of submitting a proposal, I'm thinking that the refining work could be built into the official devex timelines and described in the 'Background' or 'Acceptance Criteria' sections.

E.g. Week 1 - opportunity posted Week 1-end of Week 2 - opportunity is refined collaboratively on GitHub End of week 2 - announcement that the opportunity is finalized End of Week 3 - proposals submitted etc.

(above timeline is illustrative only and would change depending on the opportunity)

Does that make sense? I'm wanting to avoid a situation where someone submits a proposal before the refining work is finished.

lisafast commented 6 years ago

Yes, great idea. This makes it clear that refining IS expected, that input is welcome in that process, and that they should wait before diving into too much scoping work.

laurawesley commented 6 years ago

That makes total sense to me! A benefit we expect from GC Dev Ex is to get better at scoping potential projects. The approach you've landed on allows that wisdom to emerge from both the demand and supply sides. Very cool!