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GC Digital Principles #25

Closed OpenGovCan closed 6 years ago

OpenGovCan commented 6 years ago


We are developing a set of principles to guide digital development in the Government of Canada. These will shape how we manage our information, our technology, and provide services. We have based these on international best practices and we’re looking for feedback.

From October 26 until December 8, 2017, you will have the opportunity to comment on our draft set of principles. While we recognise that these won’t ever be set in stone, but will evolve over time as the context changes, we are keen to get your input so that we can quickly move to a version we can test in practice.

Digital Principles

1. Understand users and their needs

Start with user needs and build for them, and with them. Conduct ongoing testing with users. Do the hard work so that they don’t have to.

2. Iterate and improve frequently

Develop in an agile manner using alpha, beta and live phases. Test end-to-end and continuously improve in response to user feedback. Test early and often.

3. Build the right team

Create and empower multidisciplinary teams, linking policy with delivery.

4. Build a service-oriented culture

Lead and implement a team and departmental culture focused on users.

5. Work in the open

Share and collaborate in the open, plan to make data open from the start.

6. Integrate proportionate security and privacy from the outset

Consider business context. Manage risks.

7. Build in an open and interoperable way

Give equal consideration for open source. Use open standards. Build in an interoperable and reusable way.

8. Use the right tools for the job

Use common government solutions and platforms. Build cloud first.

9. Design and deliver transparent and ethical services

Be open and transparent in the use of automated systems and comply with ethical guidelines.

10. Be inclusive and provide support for those who need it

Build in inclusiveness, official languages, and accessibility by design.

11. Know your data

Manage data in line with standards. Implement analytical tools and use the data you collect.

12. Be accountable to Canadians

Define user-centred performance metrics. Publish real time data.

13. Develop open and innovative partnerships

Recognize that an organization can’t have all the best ideas. Create partnerships and collaborate.

14. Spend money wisely

Enter into sensible contracts and comply with procurement standards.

15. Test services with the Deputy Minister and/or Minister

Test all new public-facing services with the Deputy Minister and/or Minister responsible.

nschonni commented 6 years ago

Merged content back into #24