canalun / brick-break-anywhere

let's break bricks anywhere!
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Set <title> for the options page #5

Closed igrep closed 4 months ago

igrep commented 4 months ago

Hello, canalun! I got interested in this super fun project to learn how to manipulate DOM more fluently. I'm going to read the code and send pull requests if possible. To begin with, I've configured the <title> of options.html.

The new title is copied from its <h1> tags. Suggest if you like another one.


canalun commented 4 months ago

Hi, @igrep . I'm really glad that this project entertained you :) And appreciate so much that you found and reported the problem! Your patch looked great and I merged it, thanks!!

canalun commented 4 months ago

@igrep Just after merging your PR, I noticed Plasmo i18n feature could be used here. I already adopted i18n to some points, so I decided to use it here, too...! I had to remove the file you created, but I think it wouldn't be realized without your PR and really appreciate it! Thanks!! :)

The detail is here:

igrep commented 4 months ago

No problem! Thank you for telling that. I should have read the doc of Plasmo more carefully!