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Explorar integração de dados entre datasets e avaliar métricas #10

Closed ryukinix closed 4 months ago

ryukinix commented 5 months ago

Definition of done:

helen0l commented 5 months ago

Este imagem mostra comparacao entre 56 datasets sobre cancer. Estão no site O maior dataset tem 576 entradas. Sobre integração, além de sexo e idade, apenas a pergunta do hábito de fumar é recorrente. Imagino que para mapear o tipo de dano no tecido


ryukinix commented 5 months ago

Que imagem interessante, @helen0l !

Oscar280578 commented 5 months ago

Interessante, mas achei as features destes datasets não usuais. Não sei se isso vai atender o cliente que é clinico geral. Por exemplo EGFR Status, KRAS Status, R Stage, T Stage, etc ....etc. aquelas ultimas features, acho que não vão servir para muita coisa não.

helen0l commented 4 months ago

Exatamente. Minha conclusão é que, os datasets que usamos são os que mais se enquadram ao problema proposto, em termos de features. Pesquisei bastante também. Indo para datasets mais específicos , encontramos o cenário acima que são: datasets com poucas entradas , parâmetros específicos e não integráveis. Pensei numa estratégia para integração de dados.

Minha proposta é integrar com dados de covid . Tem bases com perguntas parecidas. Criamos o assumption de que covid e câncer são mutuamente exclusivos. Depois podemos fazer um oversampling das pessoas saudáveis.

helen0l commented 4 months ago

Com a inclusão do 3o dataset com as seguintes perguntas:

1 1 What is your sex? 1 2 What is your age? 1 3 Do you smoke? (Options: Yes or No) 1 4 Do you have yellow fingers? (Options: Yes or No) 1 5 Do you experience anxiety? (Options: Yes or No) 1 6 Are you influenced by peer pressure to smoke? (Options: Yes or No) 1 7 Do you have any chronic diseases? (Options: Yes or No) 1 8 Do you experience fatigue? (Options: Yes or No) 1 9 Do you have any allergies? (Options: Yes or No) 1 10 Do you experience wheezing? (Options: Yes or No) 1 11 Do you consume alcohol? (Options: Yes or No) 1 12 Do you experience coughing? (Options: Yes or No) 1 13 Do you experience shortness of breath? (Options: Yes or No) 1 14 Do you have difficulty swallowing? (Options: Yes or No) 1 15 Do you experience chest pain? (Options: Yes or No) 1 16 Have you been diagnosed with lung cancer? (Options: Yes or No) 2 1 What is your age? 2 2 What is your gender? (Options: Male, Female) 2 3 What is the level of air pollution exposure you experience? (Options: 1 (Low) - 8 (High)) 2 4 What is your level of alcohol use? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 5 What is the level of dust allergy you have? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 6 What is the level of occupational hazards you are exposed to? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 7 What is your level of genetic risk? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 8 What is your level of chronic lung disease? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 9 What is your level of balanced diet? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 10 What is your level of obesity? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 11 What is your level of smoking? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 12 What is your level of exposure to passive smoking? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 13 What is the level of chest pain you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 14 What is the level of coughing of blood you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 15 What is the level of fatigue you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 16 What is the level of weight loss you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 17 What is the level of shortness of breath you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 18 What is the level of wheezing you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 19 What is the level of swallowing difficulty you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 2 20 What is the level of clubbing of finger nails you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) 3 1 Do you currently have a fever? 3 2 Are you experiencing any unusual tiredness or fatigue? 3 3 Have you been coughing lately? If so, is it dry or productive? 3 4 Are you having difficulty breathing? 3 5 Do you have a sore throat? 3 6 Have you experienced any pains or aches recently? 3 7 Are you experiencing nasal congestion? 3 8 Do you have a runny nose? 3 9 Have you experienced diarrhea recently? 3 10 Are you currently experiencing none of the symptoms mentioned? 3 11 How old are you? (Select one: 0-9 years old, 10-19 years old, 20-24 years old, 25-59 years old, 60+ years old) 3 12 What is your gender? (Select one: Female, Male, Transgender) 3 13 How would you describe the severity of your symptoms? (Select one: Mild, Moderate, Severe, None) 3 14 Have you had any contact with individuals who have symptoms similar to yours? (Select one: Yes, No, Don't know) 3 15 In which country are you currently located?

helen0l commented 4 months ago

Grouping 1

  1. Feature: Gender • 1 1 What is your sex? • 2 2 What is your gender? (Options: Male, Female) • 3 12 What is your gender? (Select one: Female, Male, Transgender)
  2. Feature: Age • 1 2 What is your age? • 2 1 What is your age? • 3 11 How old are you? (Select one: 0-9 years old, 10-19 years old, 20-24 years old, 25-59 years old, 60+ years old)
  3. Feature: Smoking Status • 1 3 Do you smoke? (Options: Yes or No) • 1 6 Are you influenced by peer pressure to smoke? (Options: Yes or No) • 2 11 What is your level of smoking? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High))
  4. Feature: Fatigue • 1 8 Do you experience fatigue? (Options: Yes or No) • 2 15 What is the level of fatigue you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) • 3 2 Are you experiencing any unusual tiredness or fatigue?
  5. Feature: Difficulty in Breathing • 1 13 Do you experience shortness of breath? (Options: Yes or No) • 2 17 What is the level of shortness of breath you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) • 3 4 Are you having difficulty breathing?
  6. Feature: Sore Throat • 1 14 Do you have difficulty swallowing? (Options: Yes or No) • 2 19 What is the level of swallowing difficulty you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) • 3 5 Do you have a sore throat?
  7. Feature: Severity • 2 13 What is the level of chest pain you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) • 3 13 How would you describe the severity of your symptoms? (Select one: Mild, Moderate, Severe, None)
  8. Feature: Contact History • 1 7 Do you have any chronic diseases? (Options: Yes or No) • 2 16 What is the level of coughing of blood you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) • 3 14 Have you had any contact with individuals who have symptoms similar to yours? (Select one: Yes, No, Don't know)
  9. Feature: Country • 2 3 What is the level of air pollution exposure you experience? (Options: 1 (Low) - 8 (High)) • 3 15 In which country are you currently located?

Grouping 2

  1. Feature: Gender • 1 1 What is your sex? • 2 2 What is your gender? (Options: Male, Female) • 3 12 What is your gender? (Select one: Female, Male, Transgender)
  2. Feature: Age • 1 2 What is your age? • 2 1 What is your age? • 3 11 How old are you? (Select one: 0-9 years old, 10-19 years old, 20-24 years old, 25-59 years old, 60+ years old)
  3. Feature: Smoking Status • 1 3 Do you smoke? (Options: Yes or No) • 1 6 Are you influenced by peer pressure to smoke? (Options: Yes or No) • 2 11 What is your level of smoking? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High))
  4. Feature: Fatigue • 1 2 What is your age? (This might indirectly indicate fatigue) • 1 8 Do you experience fatigue? (Options: Yes or No) • 2 15 What is the level of fatigue you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) • 3 2 Are you experiencing any unusual tiredness or fatigue?
  5. Feature: Difficulty in Breathing • 1 13 Do you experience shortness of breath? (Options: Yes or No) • 2 17 What is the level of shortness of breath you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) • 3 4 Are you having difficulty breathing?
  6. Feature: Sore Throat • 1 5 Do you have difficulty swallowing? (Options: Yes or No) • 2 19 What is the level of swallowing difficulty you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) • (Possibly indirect) 3 5 Do you have a sore throat?
  7. Feature: Severity • 2 13 What is the level of chest pain you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) • 3 13 How would you describe the severity of your symptoms? (Select one: Mild, Moderate, Severe, None)
  8. Feature: Contact History • 1 14 Have you been diagnosed with lung cancer? (Options: Yes or No) • 2 14 What is the level of coughing of blood you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High)) • 3 14 Have you had any contact with individuals who have symptoms similar to yours? (Select one: Yes, No, Don't know)
  9. Feature: Country • 3 15 In which country are you currently located?

Grouping 3

  1. Gender: • 1 1 - "What is your sex?" • 2 2 - "What is your gender? (Options: Male, Female)" • 3 3 - "What is your gender? (Select one: Female, Male, Transgender)"
  2. Age: • 1 2 - "What is your age?" • 2 1 - "What is your age?" • 3 11 - "How old are you? (Select one: 0-9 years old, 10-19 years old, 20-24 years old, 25-59 years old, 60+ years old)"
  3. Fatigue: • 1 8 - "Do you experience fatigue? (Options: Yes or No)" • 2 15 - "What is the level of fatigue you experience? (Options: 1 (None) - 8 (High))" • 3 2 - "Are you experiencing any unusual tiredness or fatigue?"
  4. Coughing: • 1 12 - "Do you experience coughing? (Options: Yes or No)" • 3 3 - "Have you been coughing lately? If so, is it dry or productive?"
  5. Difficulty in Breathing: • 1 13 - "Do you experience shortness of breath? (Options: Yes or No)" • 3 4 - "Are you having difficulty breathing?"
  6. Sore Throat: • 3 5 - "Do you have a sore throat?"
  7. Pains: • 1 6 - "Do you have any chronic diseases? (Options: Yes or No)" • 3 6 - "Have you experienced any pains or aches recently?"
  8. Nasal Congestion: • 3 7 - "Are you experiencing nasal congestion?"
  9. Runny Nose: • 3 8 - "Do you have a runny nose?"
  10. Diarrhea: • 1 9 - "Do you have any allergies? (Options: Yes or No)" • 3 9 - "Have you experienced diarrhea recently?"
  11. None Experiencing Symptoms: • 1 10 - "Do you experience wheezing? (Options: Yes or No)" • 3 10 - "Are you currently experiencing none of the symptoms mentioned?"
  12. Severity: • 3 13 - "How would you describe the severity of your symptoms? (Select one: Mild, Moderate, Severe, None)"
  13. Contact History: • 1 14 - "Have you been diagnosed with lung cancer? (Options: Yes or No)" • 3 14 - "Have you had any contact with individuals who have symptoms similar to yours? (Select one: Yes, No, Don't know)"
  14. Country: • 3 15 - "In which country are you currently located?"
helen0l commented 4 months ago

O terceiro dataset tem 316800 entradas

ryukinix commented 4 months ago

+300mil? Minha nossa!

ryukinix commented 4 months ago

o dataset integrado, pra deixar de fácil acesso