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put up structure for storyboards #35

Closed nicolevasilevsky closed 3 years ago

nicolevasilevsky commented 4 years ago

@mellybelly was assigned to this action item at the F2F meeting too

nicolevasilevsky commented 4 years ago

See F2F notes for more info

nicolevasilevsky commented 4 years ago

Community workstream - fill in content for the storyboard

nicolevasilevsky commented 4 years ago

@DaveraGabriel is developing a story for CCDH, a tutorial is available, will draft a user story for data submitters.

Aiming for mid-Feb due date.

nicolevasilevsky commented 4 years ago

@DaveraGabriel please link to google docs on this ticket.

nicolevasilevsky commented 4 years ago

@DaveraGabriel is there any action required from anyone on the community development workstream?

DaveraGabriel commented 4 years ago

Hello @nicolevasilevsky ... perhaps the community development workstream can help me clarify an issue that came up when I shared the framework and draft userstory with the TermServices / data modeling group. The only feedback I got back is that they were not sure / there was confusion about who the "user" is. I built the framework based on Melissa's direction, to address the workflow for the node data uploaders. The Data Modeling / Term Services group isn't sure whether those individuals are the primary users of the systems we are developing in favor of investigators / clinicians that are developing queries. As such, Ive not developed any of the additional scenarios indicated in the framework until this is resolved. I sent Melissa an eMail with a calendar entry for yesterday's Data Modeling / Term Services regular meeting with a time conversion for the UK (where Ive heard she is now) in hopes that should she attend a meeting where this topic is discussed, this could be cleared-up. She wasn't able to attend, and so if the community development workstream could please take up the issue of who exactly we are building tools for - what workflow is intended to be addressed by the User Stories - that would be quite helpful, and provided I have the free time to do so, can bang-out the remaining stories in just a few hours. Im not sure if the links to the artifacts on Googledocs added to the PDF will persist, if they do not I'll add them again Many thanks - D CCDH Draft User Story framework 31JAN2020.pdf

DaveraGabriel commented 4 years ago

@nicolevasilevsky : the links did not confer.... Here are the links referenced in the eMail, in order represented in the text

Draft User Story:

Worksheets with proposed framework:

Mini-persona document:

Your client question resource used for the basis of scenario variation development:

Please let me know if there are any trouble with the links or questions about the content of the proposal

monicacecilia commented 3 years ago

This is now being done as part of the E2E Requirements Assessment. @nicolevasilevsky, @DaveraGabriel - please be sure to update / close as appropriate. Thank you! 🌷