cancerDHC / operations

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1c1: Evaluate overlaps in the Wave 1 models, submodel consistency, and domain specific components #9

Closed jmcmurry closed 3 years ago

jmcmurry commented 4 years ago

Description: This task aims to define the highest priority data model components that are in common across multiple or all nodes and their relationships to one another. This will define the core draft CRDC-H model. A second component of this task is to examine the submodel consistency across each node's model; e.g. for a given element, what are the discrepancies, inconsistencies, or gaps within each node.

Within the model alignment spreadsheet [TO BE LINKED]

Due month 6

jmcmurry commented 4 years ago

From proposal: "We will evaluate overlaps in the models, submodel consistency, and domain specific components, identifying the lowest common denominator and prioritizing harmonization work based on common needs. We will gather and review existing models, documentation, ontologies, data element definitions and representative example data sets. "

nicolevasilevsky commented 4 years ago

See the Data Model Harmonization February 2020 Progress Report and presentation here: Report Slide deck Video