cancerDHC / sheet2linkml

Python package for conversion of Google Sheet to LinkML for CCDH
Apache License 2.0
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Clarify documentation relating to use of multiple virtual environments and tox #15

Closed gaurav closed 3 years ago

gaurav commented 3 years ago

As suggested by @turbomam in

I think I have some verbiage about different virtual environments and the potential use of tox in the MAINTAINERS doc that could be pared down after we merge. We might be able to make the notes about initial pushes to PyPI vs subsequent pushes less convoluted, too.

One thing that would help solve this if we had GitHub tests (#99), which would contain all the instructions we need to build and test this repository, except for the sheet2linkml code (#12). But if we end up moving sheet2linkml into its own repository (#100), then we can do that there.

turbomam commented 3 years ago

I think this has been getting better in all of our repos thanks to

turbomam commented 3 years ago

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