cancerit / BRASS

Breakpoints via assembly - Identifies breaks and attempts to assemble rearrangements in whole genome sequencing data.
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Poor inversion recall performance in BAM files with a high amount of variants #114

Open Rapsssito opened 1 year ago

Rapsssito commented 1 year ago

I am working with large number of genomes (BAM files). I have noticed that BRASS greatly reduces its recall performance on inversions once it passes a certain "threshold" of variants. This only happens with certain BAMs that contain a noticeable higher amount of variants.

I have taken a closer look at the code, and I believe it is related to this section in metropolis_hastings_inversions.R:

In these BAMs with higher amount of variants, the bad_groups_count variable is key. When is higher than 50, it causes the script to follow a more precision-based approach and skips almost all inversions:

rank(1 - mcmc_res[["artefact_prob"]][,1]) < threshold_idx  # Whether the rearrangement is to be kept

From reading the rest of the code, it looks like bad_groups_count is just the count of all variants that have 4 tumor reads and are less than 1e5 in length. From the outside, it looks like a very arbitrary choice that unnecessarily links BRASS' recall performance to the number of variants in the genome (they might be more to it, but I could not find it).

We are developing a benchmarking platform for somatic variant calling and this auto-penalty greatly affects BRASS's position in the ranking. Before publishing the results, we wanted to let you know as it looks like a very easy fix.

yl3 commented 1 year ago

This script was written to address a small proportion of samples that are affected by library construction artifacts that manifest are locally inverted read pairs. When the rate of such artifactual fold-back read pairs exceed a certain level, they can generate apparent clusters of fold-back read pairs which are called by Brass as hundreds or even thousands of fold-back inversions (I have seen a sample with as many as ≥100,000 in the PCAWG data).

When a sample contains more than 50 fold-back inversions as defined by the thresholds you referred to, the script assumes that a given sample is affected by a "significant number" of fold-back inversion artefacts and will attempt to model and remove them. This is why you see a sudden change in the number of called fold-back inversions at 50. You are right that the threshold of 50 is arbitrary...

Just out of curiosity, how do you ascertain the biological presence/absence of a fold-back inversion in your benchmarking data?

Rapsssito commented 1 year ago

@yl3, thanks for the answer!

(...) You are right that the threshold of 50 is arbitrary...

Is there a possibility to add an extra parameter to avoid the activation of this "hard mode"?

Just out of curiosity, how do you ascertain the biological presence/absence of a fold-back inversion in your benchmarking data?

We work with previously validated datasets (such as PCAWG) and we also create our own genomes. We either introduce the variants manually or copy them from other genome. We use these genomes to "compress" the benchmarking dataset. This way we don't have to run all the variant callers on 50+ genomes.

davidrajones commented 1 year ago

@Rapsssito I will put this request into our prioritisation queue. However, if and when it will gets done is entirely down to other priorities set by the scientists I'm afraid.

We are of course open to receiving pull requests with the requested changes in in the mean time.