Closed alkodsi closed 8 years ago
Specify species, assembly and platform. It's a minor oversight in the code. FYI 'Illumina' is not technically valid according to the SAM/BAM specification it should be 'ILLUMINA'
Thanks. these parameters cannot be passed to So what should I do?
sorry, I just found the parameters. Will try that
After trying passing all the parameters, some samples finished successfully, some returned error code 25 without any further details and other failed at the indexing step (tabix) with error unsorted input file.
It turned out that my custom probes have positions in chrY and ascat has a hardcoded segment in chromosome Y appended to the segmentation which in some cases disturbs the sorting. I removed chrY probes and it worked.
ascatNgs fails on CN_to_VCF at the end of the run with the following error: "/usr/bin/perl /opt/share/ascatNgs/bin/ -o xx.copynumber.caveman.vcf -r/human_g1k_v37.fasta -i tumor.copynumber.caveman.csv -sbm tumor.bam -sbw normal.bam" unexpectedly returned exit value 1 at (eval 319) line 13. at /opt/share/ascatNgs/lib/perl5/PCAP/ line 207
running the command gives: ERROR: rs|reference-species must be defined.
If species defined by -rs, it will complain about assembly and if assembly defined, it will complain about platform.
My bam header looks like this @RG ID:1 PL:Illumina PU:machine1 LB:library1 SM:tumor @PG ID:bwa PN:bwa VN:0.5.9-r16
I don't need the VCF output, I just want the run to complete successfully.