Closed mjz1 closed 8 years ago
Thanks for reporting this. For some reason removing one of the escaped line feeds fixes this:
curl -sSL $TG_DATA | zgrep -F 'E_Multiple_observations' | grep -F 'TSA=SNV' |\
perl -ane '\
next if($F[0] !~ m/^\d+$/ && $F[0] !~ m/^[XY]$/); \
next if($F[0] eq $l_c && $F[1]-1000 < $l_p); \
$F[7]=~m/MAF=([^;]+)/; next if($1 < 0.05); \
printf "%s\t%s\t%d\n", $F[2],$F[0],$F[1]; $l_c=$F[0]; $l_p=$F[1];' \
> SnpPositions_GRCh37_1000g.tsv
I've updated the docs. Thanks,
Now this command is giving me an empty output file.
I have the same question, an empty output file.
Removing the line feeds from the perl appears to resolve this, I don't know why they are having an impact:
curl -sSL $TG_DATA | zgrep -F 'E_Multiple_observations' | grep -F 'TSA=SNV' | \
perl -ane 'next if($F[0] !~ m/^\d+$/ && $F[0] !~ m/^[XY]$/); next if($F[0] eq $l_c && $F[1]-1000 < $l_p); $F[7]=~m/MAF=([^;]+)/; next if($1 < 0.05); printf "%s\t%s\t%d\n", $F[2],$F[0],$F[1]; $l_c=$F[0]; $l_p=$F[1];'
The code snippet intended to create the 1000g SNP panel:
gives the error: