WARNING neo4j.notifications:result.py:317 Received notification from DBMS server:
{severity: WARNING} {code: Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.FeatureDeprecationWarning} {category: DEPRECATION}
{title: This feature is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.}
{description: The semantics of using colon in the separation of alternative relationship types will change in a future version. (Please use ':HAS_DEFINING_CONTEXT|HAS_MEMBERS' instead)}
{position: line: 3, column: 47, offset: 129} for query: 'MATCH (s:Study)\n MATCH (s) -[:HAS_VARIANT] -> (cv:CategoricalVariation)\n MATCH (cv) -[:HAS_DEFINING_CONTEXT|:HAS_MEMBERS] -> (v:Variation {id:$v_id})\n RETURN s'