Closed arnikz closed 5 years ago
I think you want:
(GROUP_CONCAT(?go_id; separator=", ") as ?uniprot_goa)
GROUP BY ?gene_id ?gene_name ?transcript_id ?sgn_des ?uniprot_acc ?uniprot_reviewed ?uniprot_existence ?uniprot_des
Just committed a change which should make it work.
@c-martinez the query works when executed against the SPARQL endpoint but doesn't show up in the API.
Ah! It seems it is a bug on grlc itself, not on the query... you are using the clariah/grlc:dev
docker image?
Updated rdflib dependencies seems to fix the issue -- can you try again and reopen issue if necessary?
See query:
->GROUP_CONCAT(?go_id, ', ') AS ?uniprot_goa
...GROUP BY ...