candera / khordr

A keyboard chording application: supercharge your typing by pressing more than one key at once.
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Assume modifier on repeat #18

Open candera opened 11 years ago

candera commented 11 years ago

When chording for modifier aliasing, we can probably safely assume that if the user holds down two keys for long enough to cause a repeat, then they want to chord: rollover wouldn't happen in that short of a time. That gives us two capabilities. First, we can start typing the modified key sooner, since we don't have to wait for normal key up. Better, though, it means that if you mistakenly chord, as long as you hold down the last key long enough to trigger repeat, when you release them without pressing a modified key, we can ignore the down keys altogether. That gives us a way to change our minds without having to delete the rogue keypresses.

The big question is whether this would work for single-key modification. Are there situations in normal typing where we're holding down keys long enough to trigger repeat where we would actually want the single keypress? I sort of don't think so: after all, normal repeat in the absence of khordr doesn't usually cause problems.

candera commented 11 years ago

Actually, we could go one step futher and assume that no one is doing single-hand modifications. So when armed, another modifier down on the same hand is also enough to go straight to aliasing, at which point we can send both modifier down events.

We still need Deciding when a single modifier has gone down.

candera commented 11 years ago

Ah shit, scratch that: rollover could happen on a single hand, like when typing "kids".