candera / khordr

A keyboard chording application: supercharge your typing by pressing more than one key at once.
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Get it working on OS X #6

Open candera opened 11 years ago

candera commented 11 years ago

Get it working on OS X

candera commented 11 years ago

Might need to use IOHidLib: Event Taps sort of suck. This might be helpful:

candera commented 11 years ago

Also this:

candera commented 11 years ago

Hmm. This is very interesting:

candera commented 11 years ago

This might also have something I can leverage:

houshuang commented 11 years ago

Now on Clojars :) [org.clojars.houshuang/keymaster-clj "0.1.0"] Not sure if it will help your use case though.

candera commented 11 years ago

Also this: